Past Papers
Book Chapters
- Davies, W. and Levy, N., (2016), 'Persistent Vegetative State, Akinetic Mutism, and Consciousness' in W. Sinnott-Armstrong, (Ed.) Finding Consciousness: The Neuroscience, Ethics, and Law of Severe Brain Damage. (New York: Oxford University Press)
- Devolder, K., (2016), 'Psychiatric drugs and religious norms'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take On The World. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 73-76
- Douglas, T., (2016), 'Taking Drugs to Help Others'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take On The World. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Boys and girls alike: The ethics of male and female circumcision. In E. C. H. Gathman (Ed.), Women, Health, & Healthcare: Readings on Social, Structural, & Systemic Issues. (pp. 113-116). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. (Reprinted from Earp, B. D. (2015). Boys and girls alike. Aeon Magazine)
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Can you be gay by choice? In D. Edmonds (Ed.), Philosophers Take on the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Degrees of sexual harm. In D. Edmonds (Ed.), Philosophers Take on the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Prostitution and disability. In D. Edmonds (Ed.), Philosophers Take on the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gipson, J., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Lay Attitudes to Withdrawal of Treatment in Disorders of Consciousness and Their Normative Significance'. in W. Sinnott-Armstrong (Ed.), Finding Consciousness: The Neuroscience, Ethics and Law of Severe Brain Damage. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Giubilini, A. and F. Minerva (2016). Partial-birth and after-birth abortion. In H. LaFollette, (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics. H. LaFollette, (Ed.) Wiley: 1-8.
- Giubilini, A. and S. Sanyal, (2016), 'Challenging human enhancement'. In S. Clarke, J. Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, A. Giubilini and S. Sanyal, (Eds.) The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate. (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 1, pp 1-24
- Giubilini, A., (2016), 'Conscience'. In E. N. Zalta, (Ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (Spring 2016 Edition)
- Gyngell, C., (2016), 'Growing Babies: The Ethics of Artificial Wombs'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Gyngell, C. and Selgelid, M., (2016), 'Human Enhancement: Conceptual Clarity and Moral Significance'. in S.Clarke, A. Giubilini, J. Savulescu, T. Coady and S. Sanyal, (Eds.) The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate. (Oxford University Press)
- Kahane, G., (2016), 'The Pregnant Man and Other Conceptual Surprises'. in D. Edmonds (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 240-244.
- Kahane, G., (2016), 'Pain, Experience, and Well-being'. in G. Fletcher (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. (London: Routledge) pp 209-220.
- Kahane, G., (2016), 'Is, Ought, and the Brain' in S. M. Liao, (Ed.) Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Disabling Language'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Neuroethics and Responsibility'. in K. Brownlee, D. Coady and K. Lippert-Rasmussen, (Eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy. (Wiley-Blackwell)
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Towards a More Banal Neuroethics'. in F. Jotterand and V. Dubljevic, (Eds.) Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. (Oxford University Press)
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Naturalism and Free Will'. in K. J. Clark, (Ed.) Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. (John Wiley & Sons)
- Maslen, H., (2016), 'Towards an Ethical Framework for Regulating the Market for Cognitive Enhancement Devices'. in F. Jotterand and V.Dubljevic, (Eds.) Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Pugh, J. and Douglas, T., (2016), 'Neurointerventions as Criminal Rehabilitation: An Ethical Review' in J. Jacobs and J. Jackson, (Eds.) Handbook of Criminal Justice Ethics. (Routledge)
- Pugh, J., Kahane, G., and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Partiality for Humanity and Enhancement' in S. Clarke, J. Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, A. Giubilini and S. Sanyal, (Eds.) The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate, pp. 170-183 (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Roache, R. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Enhancing Conservatism' in S. Clarke, J. Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, A. Giubilini and S. Sanyal, (Eds.) The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Santoni De Seo, F., Faber, N., Savulescu, J. and Vincent, N., (2016), 'Why Less Praise for Enhanced Performance? Moving Beyond Responsibility-shifting, Authenticity, and Cheating, towards a Nature-of-Activities Approach'. in F. Jotterand and V.Dubljevic, (Eds.) Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Savulescu, J. and Kahane, G., (2016), 'Understanding Procreative Beneficence: The Nature and Extent of the Moral Obligation to Have the Best Child'. in L. Francis, (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reproductive Ethics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Shepherd, J., (2016), 'Moral Conflict in the Minimally Conscious State'. in W. Sinnott-Armstrong (Ed.), Finding Consciousness: The Neuroscience, Ethics and Law of Severe Brain Damage. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Shepherd, J., (2016), 'The morality of sport hatred'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World. (Oxford: Oxford University press): 35, pp 133-137
- Shepherd, J., (2016), 'Moral conflict and the minimally conscious state'. in W. Sinnott-Armstrong, (Ed.) Consciousness After Severe Brain Damage: Medical, Legal, Ethical, and Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford University Press)
- Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'In praise of organ-ised sport'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World: Exploring Moral Issues Behind the News. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press): 18, pp 67-69 - Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'Nick-less?'. in D. Edmonds, (Ed.) Philosophers Take on the World: Exploring Moral Issues Behind the News. (Oxford Oxford University Press): 30, pp 115-117,
- Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'The grey zone in neonatal treatment decisions'. in R. McDougall, C. Delany and L. Gillam, (Eds.) When Doctors and Parents Disagree: Ethics, Paediatrics and the Zone of Parental Discretion. (Federation Press) [open access in process]
Journal Articles
- Arora, C., Savulescu, J., Maslen, H., Selgelid, M. and Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'The Intensive Care Lifeboat: a survey of lay attitudes to rationing dilemmas in neonatal intensive care', BMC Medical Ethics, Vol: 17(1): 69. [open access]
- Bambery, B., Savulescu, J., Selgelid, M., Weijer, C. and Pollard, A., (2016), 'Ethical Criteria for Human Challenge Studies in Infectious Diseases', Public Health Ethics, Vol: 9(1): 92-103.
- Bostrom, N., Douglas, T. and Sandberg, A., (2016), 'The Unilateralist’s Curse and the Principle of Conformity', Social Epistemology, Vol: 30(4): 350-371.[open access]
- Castro-De-Araujo, L., Levy, N. and Kanaan, R. A. A., (2016), 'RDoC and Shift of Reference', Australasian Psychiatry, Vol: 24(5).
- Davies, W., (2016), 'Colour Constancy, Illumination, and Matching', Philosophy of Science, Vol: 83(4): 540-562.
- D’Hotman De Villiers, D., Pugh, J. and Douglas, T., (2016), 'Methadone for Prisoners', The Lancet, Vol: 387(10015): 224.
- Devolder, K., (2016), 'Euthanasia for detainees in Belgium: the case of Frank Van Den Bleeken', Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol: 25(3): 384-394.
- Devolder, K., (2016), 'US complicity and Japan's wartime medical atrocities: Time for a response', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 15(6): 40-49.
- Douglas, T., (2016), 'The Concise Argument: Duties to Rescue: Individual, Professional and Institutional', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 42(4): 207-208.
- Earp, B. D., & Savulescu, J. (2016). 'Is there such a thing as a love drug? Reply toMcGee'. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 2, 93-96.
- Earp, B. D., Sandberg, A., & Savulescu, J. (2016). 'The medicalization of love: Response to critics'. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol. 25, No. 4, 759-771.
- Earp, B. D., & Moen, O. M. (2016). Paying for sex—only for people with disabilities? Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 42, No. 1, 54-56.
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Science cannot determine human values. Think, Vol. 15, No. 43, 17-23.
- Earp, B. D. (2016). In defence of genital autonomy for children. Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 41, No. 3, 158-163. [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Mental shortcuts. Hastings Center Report, Vol. 46, No. 2, inside front cover.
- Earp, B. D., & Hauskeller, M. (2016). Binocularity in bioethics—and beyond. American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 16, No. 2, W3-W6.
- Earp, B. D., & Frisch, M. (2016). Circumcision of male infants and children as a public health measure in developed countries: A critical assessment of recent evidence. Global Public Health, online first. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., Trafimow, D. (2016). Badly specified theories are not responsible for the replication crisis in social psychology. Theory & Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 540-548.
- Earp, B. D., & Frisch, M. (2016). Problems in the qualitative synthesis paper on sexual outcomes following non-medical male circumcision by Shabanzadeh et al. Danish Medical Journal. Vol. 63, No. 7, A5245 [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Infant circumcision and adult penile sensitivity: Implications for sexual experience. Trends in Urology & Men’s Health, Vol. 7, No. 4, 17-21. [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2016). What did the OSC replication initiative reveal about the crisis in psychology? BMC Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 28,1-19. [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2016). Between moral relativism and moral hypocrisy: Reframing the debate on "FGM". Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, 105-144
- Faber, N., Savulescu, J. and Douglas, T., (2016), 'Why is Cognitive Enhancement Deemed Unacceptable? The Role of Fairness, Deservingness, and Hollow Achievements', Frontiers in Psychology, Vol: 19 February. [open access]
- Faber, N. S., Savulescu, J. and Van Lange, P. A. M., (2016), 'Reputational concerns as a general determinant of group functioning', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol: 39 (e148).
- Giubilini, A., (2016). 'Conscientious objection and medical tribunals', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol:42: 78-79
- Giubilini, A., S. Milnes and J. Savulescu, (2016). 'The medical ethics curriculum in medical schools: present and future', Journal of Clinical Ethics, Vol:27(2): 129-145
- Häusser, J. A., Leder, J., Ketturat, C., Dresler, M. and Faber, N. S., (2016), 'Sleep deprivation and advice taking', Scientific Reports, Vol: 6 (Article 24386). [open access]
- Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Disability and Mere Difference', Ethics, Vol: 126(3): 774–788.
- Kappes, A., G. Kahane and M. J. Crockett, (2016). 'From Risk to Fairness', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Keir, A., D. Wilkinson, C. Andersen and M. Stark, (2016). 'Washed versus unwashed red blood cells for transfusion for the prevention of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016 (Issue 1)
- Levy, N., (2016), 'The Sweetness of Surrender: Glucose enhances self-control by signalling environmental richness', Philosophical Psychology, Vol: 29 813-825.
- Levy, N., (2016), 'The Earthling’s Secret Weapon: Cumulative Culture and the Singularity', Science, Religion and Culture, Vol: 3: 19-30.
- Levy, N., (2016), '‘My name is Joe and I’m an alcoholic’: Addiction, Self-knowledge and the Dangers of Rationalism', Mind & Language, Vol: 31: 265-276.
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Have I Turned the Stove Off? Explaining Everyday Anxiety', Philosopher’s Imprint, Vol: 16: 1-10.
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Cognitive Science in the Courtroom', Revista de Ciências Jurídico Criminais, Vol: 3: 169-182.
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Dissolving the Puzzle of Resultant Moral Luck', Review of Philosophy and Psychology,Vol: 7(1): 127-139. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2016), 'Addiction, Autonomy and Informed Consent: On and Off the Garden Path', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 41(1): 56-73.
- Liao, J. and Devolder, K., (2016), 'Intra-family gamete donation: A solution to concerns regarding gamete donation in China?', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Vol: 13(3): 431-438.
- Maslen, H. and Savulescu, J., (2016), Open Peer Commentary: 'Neurofeedback for Moral Enhancement: Irreversibility, Freedom and Advantages over Drugs', American Journal of Bioethics: Neurosciences, Vol: 7(2): 120-122.
- McGrath, J., C. Roehr and D. Wilkinson, (2016). 'When should resuscitation at birth cease?', Early Human Development, Vol:102: 31-36.
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Enharissment: A Reply to John Harris about Moral Enhancement', Neuroethics, Vol: 9(3): 275-277.
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Moral Bioenhancement, Freedom and Reason', Neuroethics, Vol: 9(3): 263-268. [open access]
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Conjoined Twins: Philosophical Problems and Ethical Challenges', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 41(1): 41-55.
- Pugh, J., (2016), 'Driven to Extinction? The Ethics of Eradicating Mosquitoes with Gene-Drive Technologies', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 42: 578-581.
- Pugh, J., Kahane, G., Maslen, H. and Savulescu, J., (2016) 'Lay Attitudes Towards Deception in Medicine: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence', AJOB Empirical Bioethics, Vol: 7(1): 31-38. [open access]
- Pugh, J. and Douglas, T., (2016) 'Justifications for Non-Consensual Medical Intervention: From Infectious Disease Control to Criminal Rehabilitation', Criminal Justice Ethics, Vol: 35(3): 205-229 [open access]
- Porsdam-Mann, S., J, Sahakian, B. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Facilitating the ethical use of health data for the benefit of society: Electronic health records, consent and the duty of easy rescue', Philosophical Transactions A, Vol: 374(2083) [open access]
- Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Concise argument—wellbeing, collective responsibility and ethical capitalism', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 42(6): 331-333. [freely available]
- Shepherd, J., (2016). 'Kriegel on phenomenology of action', Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia. Vol: 7(2).
- Shepherd, J., (2016), 'Conscious Action/Zombie Action', Noûs, Vol: 50(2): 419-444. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., A. Gomes and M. Parrott, (2016). 'More dead than dead? Attributing mentality to vegetative state patients ', Philosophical Psychology Vol:29(1): 84-95,
- Snoek, A., Levy, N. and Kennett, J., (2016), 'Strong-willed but not successful: The importance of strategies in recovery from addiction', Addictive Behaviors Reports, Vol: 4: 102-107. [open access]
- Wartolowska, K., Savulescu, J. and Carr, J., (2016), 'Randomised placebo-controlled trials of surgery – ethical analysis and guidelines', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 42(12). [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Barnett, C., Savulescu, J. and Newson, A. J., (2016), 'Genomic Intensive Care: Should we Perform Genome Testing in Critically Ill Newborns?', Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol: 101(2): F94-F98. [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Truog, R. and Savulescu, J., (2016), 'In favour of medical dissensus: why we should agree to disagree about end of life decisions', Bioethics, Vol: 30(2): 109-118 [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., C. Andersen, C. O'Donnell, A. De Paoli and B. Manley, (2016). 'High flow nasal cannula for respiratory support in preterm infants', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016 (Issue 2)
- Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'Ethical Dilemmas in Postnatal Treatment of Severe Congenital Hydrocephalus', Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, Vol: 25(1). [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'The grey zone in neonatal treatment decisions'. in R. McDougall, C. Delany and L. Gillam, (Eds.) When Doctors and Parents Disagree: Ethics, Paediatrics and the Zone of Parental Discretion. (Melbourne: Federation Press)
- Wilkinson, D., De Crespigny, L., Skene, L. and Savulescu, J., (Forthcoming), 'Protecting Future Children from In-Utero Harm', Bioethics, Vol: 30(6): 425-432 [open access]
- Wittmann, M. K., Kolling, N., Faber, N. S., Scholl, J., Nelissen, N. and Rushworth, M. F. S., (2016), 'Self-other-mergence in frontal cortex during cooperation and competition', Neuron, 91, Vol: 91: 482–493 [open access]
- Xafis, V., A. Watkins and D. Wilkinson, (2016). 'Death talk: Basic linguistic rules and communication in perinatal and paediatric end-of-life discussions', Patient Education and Counseling, Vol:99(4): 555-561.
- Xafis, V. and Wilkinson, D., (2016), 'The Caring Decisions Handbook and Online Resource; Helping Parents Make End-of-Life Decisions for Their Child', ChiPPS e-journal (August).
Popular Articles
- Earp, B. D. (2016, July 1). In praise of ambivalence: “Young” feminism, gender identity, and free speech. Quillette Magazine. Available at
- Earp, B. D. (2016). The unbearable asymmetry of bullshit. Health Watch, Issue 101, Spring 2016, 4-5. Available at
Book Chapters
- Douglas, T., (2015), 'The Morality of Moral Neuroenhancement'. in J. Clausen and N. Levy, (Eds.) Handbook of Neuroethics (Springer) pp 1227-1249.
- Foddy, B. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Using Steroids Ethically'. in D.E.Newton, (Ed.) Steroids and Doping in Sport: A Reference Handbook. (Santa Barbara, California ABC-CLIO) pp 122-124.
- Goold, I. and H. Maslen, (2015), 'Responsibility Enhancement and the Law of Negligence'. in J. Clausen and N. Levy, (Eds.) Handbook of Neuroethics. (Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands) pp 1363-1380
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Vegetarianism: Towards Ideological Impurity' in B. Bramble and B. Fischer, (Eds.) The Moral Complexities of Eating Meat. (Oxford University Press)
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Religion and the Meaning of Life'. in G. Oppy, (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. (Routledge)
- Maslen, H., (2015), 'Penitence and Persistence: How Should Sentencing Factors Interact?'. in J. V. Roberts, (Ed.) Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales. (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK) pp 173-193
- Maslen, H., Santoni De Sio, F. and Faber, N. S., (2015), 'With cognitive enhancement comes great responsibility?'. in B. J. Koops, I. Oosterlaken, H. Romijn, T. Swierstra and J. v. d. Hoven, (Eds.) Responsible Innovation 2 – Concepts, Approaches, and Applications. (Cham: Springer International Publishing) pp 121-138.
- Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Autonomy Interests, Justice and Active Medical Euthanasia'. in M. Chobi and J. Varelius, (Eds.) New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthansia. (Cham: Springer) pp 14- 58.
- Savulescu, J., (2015), 'A Basic Human Right...'. in M. Irwin and C. Brewer, (Eds.) I'll See Myself Out, Thank You. (Talton Edge: Skyscraper Publications) pp 150-160
- Savulescu, J. and Maslen, H., (2015), 'Moral Enhancement and Artificial Intelligence: Moral AI?'. in J. Romportl, E. Zackova and J. Kelemen, (Eds.) Beyond Artificial Intelligence: The Disappearing Human-Machine Divide. (Springer) pp 79-95
- Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Healthy Doping'. in V. Moller, I. Waddington and J. M. Hoberman, (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Drugs and Sport. (Abingdon: Routledge) pp 350- 362.
Journal Articles
- Beard, D. J., Rees, J. L., Rombach, I., Cooper, C. D., Cook, J. A., Merritt, N., Gray, A., Gwilym, S., Judge, A., Savulescu, J., Moser, J., Donovan, J., Jepson, M., Wilson, C., Tracey, I., Wartolowska, K., Dean, B. J. and Carr, A. J., (2015),'The CSAW study (Can Shoulder Arthroscopy Work?) - A placebo controlled surgical intervention trial assessing the clinical and cost effectiveness of arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression for shoulder pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', The Trials Journal, Vol: 16(210). [open access]
- Brecht, M. and Wilkinson, D., (2015), 'The outcome of treatment limitation discussions in newborns with brain injury', Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol: 100(2): F155–F160. [open access]
- Caviola, L. and Faber, N. S., (2015), 'Pills or push-ups? Effectiveness and public perception of pharmacological and non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement', Frontiers in Psychology, Vol: 6(1852). [open acess]
- Chan, S., Donovan, P. J., Douglas, T., Gyngell, C., Harris, J., Lovell-Badge, R., Mathews, D. J. H. and Regenberg, A., (2015 ), 'Genome Editing Technologies and Human Germline Genetic Modification: The Hinxton Group Consensus Statement', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 15(12): 42-47.
- Douglas, T., (2015), ' The Concise Argument: Substituted Judgment, Procreative Beneficence, and the Ashley Treatment', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 41(9): 721-722.
- Douglas, T., (2015), 'Parental Partiality and the Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage', Philosophical Studies, Vol: 172(10): 2735-2756.
- Douglas, N., (2015), 'The Harms of Enhancement and the Conclusive Reasons View', Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol: 24(1): 22-36. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., Sandberg, A. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'The medicalization of love', Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol: 24(13). [open access]
- Earp, B. D. and Trafimow, D., (2015), 'Replication, falsification, and the crisis of confidence in social psychology', Frontiers in Psychology, Vol: 6(Article 621). [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2015). 'Does religion deserve a place in secular medicine?' Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 41, No. 11, 865-866.
- Earp, B. D. (2015). 'Addressing polarisation in science'. Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 41, No. 9, 782-784.
- Earp, B. D. (2015). 'Female genital mutilation and male circumcision: Toward an autonomy-based ethical framework'. Medicolegal and Bioethics, Vol. 5, No. 1, 89-104.[open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2015). 'The need to control for socially desirable responding in studies on the sexual effects of male circumcision'. PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, No. 9, 1-12. [open access]
- Earp, B. D. (2015). '“Legitimate rape,” moral coherence, and degrees of sexual harm', Think: A Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, Vol .14, No. 41, 9-20. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., (2015), 'Do the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks? A critique of the proposed CDC guidelines', Frontiers in Pediatrics, Vol: 3(18): 1-6. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., (2015), 'Sex and circumcision', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 15(2): 43-45. [author copy]
- Everett, J. A. C., Faber, N. S. and Crockett, M. J., (2015), 'Preferences and beliefs in ingroup favoritism', Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol: 9(15). [open access]
- Everett, J.A.C., Faber, N.S., Crockett, M.J. and De Dreu, C.K.W., (2015), 'Economic games and social neuroscience methods can help elucidate the psychology of parochial altruism', Frontiers in Psychology, Vol: 6(861) [open access]
- Everett, J.A.C., Caviola, L., Kahane, G., Savulescu, J. and Faulmüller, N., (2015), 'Doing good by doing nothing? The role of social norms in explaining default effects in altruistic contexts', The European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol: 45(2): 230-241. [open access]
- Everett, J.A.C., Faber, N. S. and Crockett, M. J., (2015), 'The influence of social preferences and reputational concerns on intergroup prosocial behaviour in gains and losses contexts', Royal Society Open Science, Vol: 2(150546). [open access]
- Everett, J.A.C., Schellhaas, F M.H., Earp, B D., Ando, V., Memarzia, J., Parise, C., Fell, B. and Hewstone, M., (2015), 'Covered in stigma? The impact of differing levels of Islamic head-covering on explicit and implicit biases toward Muslim women', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol: 45(2): 90-104.[open access]
- Faber, N. S., Douglas, T., Heise, F. and Hewstone, M., (2015), 'Cognitive enhancement and motivation enhancement – An empirical comparison of intuitive judgments', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 6(1): 18-20. [open peer commentary]
- Faber, N.S., Häusser, J.A. and Kerr, N.L., (2015), 'Sleep deprivation impairs and caffeine enhances my performance, but not always our performance: How acting in a group can change the effects of impairments and enhancements', Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol: advance online
- Goold, I. and H. Maslen, (2015). 'Obliging surgeons to enhance: Negligence liability for uncorrected fatigue and problems with proving causation', Medical Law Review Vol:23(3)
- Gyngell, C., Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Germline Edits: Trust Ethics Review', Nature, Vol: 520(623).
- Gyngell, C., (2015), 'The Ethics of Human Life Extension: The Second Argument from Evolution', The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 40(6): 696-713.
- Gyngell, C., (2015), 'Valuable and Valueless Diversity', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 15(6): 38-39.
- Gyngell, C. and Douglas, T., (2015), 'Stocking the genetic supermarket: Reproductive genetic technologies and collective action problems', Bioethics, Vol: 29(4): 241-250. [open access]
- Halpin, L., Savulescu, J., Talbot, K., Turner, M. and Talman, P., (2015), 'Improving access to medicines: empowering patients in the quest to improve treatment for rare lethal diseases', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 41: 987-989.
- Isdale, W. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Three proposals to increase Australia’s organ supply', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 33(2): 91-101.
- Kahane, G., (2015), 'Sidetracked by trolleys: Why sacrificial moral dilemmas tell us little (or nothing) about utilitarian judgment', Social Neuroscience, Vol: 10(5). [open access]
- Kahane, G., Everett, J. A. C., Earp, B., Farias, M. and Savulescu, J., (2015), '‘Utilitarian’ judgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas do not reflect impartial concern for the greater good', Cognition, Vol: 134 (January): 193–209. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Neither fish nor fowl: Implicit attitudes as patchy endorsements', Noûs, Vol: 49: 800-823.
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Luck and Manipulation Cases: A Response to Professor Haji', Dialogue, Vol: 54(45 ): 633-646.
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Less Blame, Less Crime? The Practical Implications of Moral Responsibility Skepticism', Journal of Practical Ethics, Vol: 3(2): 1-18.
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Virtues have Deeply Cultural Roots', Dao, Vol: 14: 195-202.
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Defending the Conscious Thesis: A Response to Robichaud, Sripada and Caruso', Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol: 22: 61-6.
- Levy, N., (2015), 'Luck and Agent-Causation: A Response to Franklin', Criminal Law and Philosophy, Vol: 9(4): 779-784.
- Maslen, H. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'First Phase One Optogenetics Trials Should be Conducted in People who are Dying', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 5(3): 16-18.
- Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Cohen Kadosh, R., Levy, N. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Do-it-yourself brain stimulation: a regulatory model', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 41(5): 413-414.
- Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Cohen Kadosh, R., Levy, N. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'The regulation of cognitive enhancement devices: refining Maslen et al’s model', Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Vol: 2(3): 754-767 [open access]
- Maslen, H., Pugh, J. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'The Ethics of Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa', Neuroethics, Vol: 8(3): 215-230. [open access]
- Maslen, H., Pugh, J. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Authenticity and the Stimulated Self: Neurosurgery for Anorexia Nervosa', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 16(4): 69-71.
- Mathews, D. J. H., Chan, S., Donovan, P. J., Douglas, T., Gyngell, C., Harris, J., Regenberg, A. and Lovell-Badge, R., (2015), 'CRISPR: A path through the thicket', Nature, Vol: 527(7577): 159-161.
- Mcwhirter, R., Nicol, D. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Genomics in research and Health Care with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples ', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 33(2): 203-209.
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Unfit for the Future: Reply to Commentators', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 41: 348-352.
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'The Art of Misunderstanding Moral Bioenhancement: Two Cases', Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, Vol: 24(1): 48-57.
- Phillips, E. A., Rajender, A., Brandon, A. F., Douglas, T. and Munarriz, R., (2015), 'Sex Offenders Seeking Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction – Ethics, Medicine, and the Law', Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol: 12(7): 1591-1600.
- Pugh, J., Gyngell, C., Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'The Moral Imperative to Continue Gene Editing Research on Human Embryos', Protein & Cell, Vol: 6(7): 476-479. [open access]
- Pugh, J., (2015), 'Autonomy, Natality and Freedom: A Liberal Re-examination of Habermas in the Enhancement Debate', Bioethics, Vol: 29(3): 145–152. [open access]
- Pugh, J., (2015), 'Ravines and Sugar Pills: Defending Deceptive Placebo Use', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 40(1): 83-101. [open access]
- Roache, R., (2015), 'How does psychotherapy work? A case study in multi-level explanation', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol: 38: e23.
- Savulescu, J. and Gyngell, C., (2015), 'The Medical Case for Gene Editing', Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine, Vol: 6(1): 57-66
- Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Procreative Beneficence, Diversity, Intersubjectivity and Imprecision', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 15(6): 16-18.
- Savulescu, J. and Harris, J., (2015), 'A Debate About Moral Enhancement', Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, Vol: 24(1): 8-22. [PDF]
- Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Bioethics: why philosophy is essential for progress', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 41: 28-33. [freely available]
- Shepherd, J., (014), 'Consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility: Taking the folk seriously', Philosophical Psychology, Vol: 28(7): 929-946. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., (2015), 'Deciding as Intentional Action: Control over Decisions', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol: 93(2): 335–351. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., (2015), 'Scientific Challenges to Free Will and Moral Responsibility', Philosophy Compass, Vol: 10(3): 197-207. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., (2015), 'Conscious Control over Action', Mind & Language, Vol: 30(3): 320–344.[open access]
- Shepherd, J. and Justus, J., (2014), 'X-Phi and Carnapian Explication', Erkenntis, Vol: 80(2): 381-402. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., R. Clarke, J. Stigall, R. Waller and C. Zarpentine, (2015). 'Causation, norms and omissions', Philosophical Psychology Vol:28(2): 279-293,
- Skene, L., Savulescu, J. and Delatycki, M., (2015), 'Genetic Testing of Stored Tissue From a Deceased Person to Define a Relative’s Risk: Legal and Ethical Viewpoints', Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol: 22(4): 864-870.
- Terbeck, S., Kahane, G., Mctavish, S., Mccutcheon, R., Hewstone, M., Savulescu, J., Chersterman, L. P., Cowen, P. and Norbury, R., (2015), 'β-Adrenoceptor blockade modulates fusiform gyrus activity to black versus white faces', Psychopharmacology, Vol: 232(16): 2951-2958. [open access]
- Tremellen, K. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'A discussion supporting presumed consent for posthumous sperm procurement', Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Vol: 30(1): 6-13.
- Tremellen, K., Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Is mandating elective single embryo transfer ethically justifiable in young women?', Reproductive BioMedicine and Society Online, Vol: 1(2). [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Schaefer, G. O., Tremellen, K. and Savulescu, J., (2015), 'Double trouble: Should double embryo transfer be banned?', Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Vol: 36(2): 121-139.
- Wilkinson, D. and B. Stenson, (2015). 'Don't stop now? How long should resuscitation continue at birth in the absence of a detectable heartbeat?', Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol:100(6)
- Wölfer, R., Faber, N. S. and Hewstone, M., (2015), 'Social network analysis in the science of groups', Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, Vol: 19:1 45-61.
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Popular Articles
- Earp, B. D. (2015, November 12). People are terrified of sex. The Atlantic. Available at
- Earp, B. D., & Everett, J. A. C. (2015, October 26) How to fix psychology’s replication crisis. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Available at
- Earp, B. D. (2015, September 2). Psychology is not in crisis? Depends on what you mean by “crisis.” Huffington Post. Available at
- Earp, B. D. (2015). Drogen nehmen – um Wohl unserer Kinder? [To take drugs – for the sake of our children?] GEO Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 1, 62-63.
- Earp, B. D., - with Weinberg, J., de Marneffe, P., Demetriou, D., Fuller, L., Gauthier, J., Hay, C., Marino, P., Pettit, P., & Whisnant, R. (2015, August 13). Philosophers on prostitution’s decriminalization. Daily Nous. Available at
- Earp, B. D. (2015, January 13). Boys and girls alike. Aeon Magazine. Available at:
- Earp, B. D. and Darby, R., (2015), 'Does science support infant circumcision? A skeptical reply to Brian Morris', The Skeptic, Vol: 25(3).
- Vierra, A., & Earp, B. D., (2015), 'Born this way? How high-tech conversion therapy could undermine gay rights', The Conversation, (21 Apr)
- Cohen, I. G., Savulescu, J. and Adashi, E. Y., (2015), 'Transatlantic Lessons in Regulation of Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy', Science, Vol: 348(6231): 178-180.
Book Chapters
- Baum, M. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Behavioural BioMarkers: What are they Good for? Toward the Ethical Use of Biomarkers'. in I. Singh, W. Sinnott-Armstrong and J. Savulescu, (Eds.), Bio-Prediction, Biomarkers, and Bad Behaviour: Scientific, Legal and Ethical Challenges. ( Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 12-41.
- Kahane, G., (2014), 'Intuitive and Counterintuitive Morality'. in J. D’Arms and D. Jacobson (Eds.), Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Philosophical Essays on the Science of Ethics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 9-39.
- Levy, N. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'The Neuroethics of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation' in R. C. Kadosh, (Ed.) The Stimulated Brain. (Amserdam: Elsevier) pp 499-522. [Winner in the 39th Annual PROSE Awards (Honorable Mention in the Biomedicine & Neuroscience category). The PROSE Awards annually recognize the very best in professional and scholarly publishing by bringing attention to distinguished books, journals, and electronic content.]
- Levy, N. and Mandelbaum, E., (2014), 'The Powers that Bind: Doxastic Voluntarism and Epistemic Obligation'. in J. Matheson and R. Vitz, (Eds.) The Ethics of Belief: Individual and Social. (Oxford University Press)
- Ord, T. (2014). 'Global poverty and the demands of morality'. in J. Perry, (Ed.) God, The Good, and Utilitarianism: Perspectives on Peter Singer, (Cambridge: CUP) pp 177–191.
- Savulescu, J., Douglas, T. and Persson, I. (2014). 'Response to Commentators' in Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues. A. Akabyashi, Ed (Oxford: Oxford University Press): Part 1 Section B (3.5), pp 131-138.
- Savulescu, J. (2014). 'The Nature of the Moral Obligation to Select the Best Children' in Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues. A. Akabyashi, Ed (Oxford: Oxford University Press): Part 1 Section B (4.5), pp 170-182.
- Savulescu, J., Douglas, T. and Persson, I. (2014). (2014). 'Autonomy and the Ethics of Behavioural Modification' in Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues. A. Akabyashi, Ed (Oxford: Oxford University Press): Part 1 Section B (3.1), pp 91-112.
- Shea, N., (2014), 'Distinguishing Top-Down From Bottom-Up Effects'. in S. Biggs, M. Matthen and D. Stokes, (Ed.^Eds.) Perception and Its Modalities (OUP: Oxford): Chapter 3
Journal Articles
- Al-Shahi Salman, R., Beller, E., Kagan, J., Hemminki, E., Phillips, R.S., Savulescu, J., Macloed, N., Wisely, J. and Chalmers, I., (2014), 'Increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research regulation and management', The Lancet, Vol: 383(9912): 176 - 185.
- Caviola, L. and Faulmüller, N., (2014), 'Moral hypocrisy in economic games — How prosocial behavior is shaped by social expectations', Frontiers in Psychology, Vol: 5(897). [open access]
- Caviola, L., Faulmüller, N., Everett, J. a. C., Savulescu, J. and Kahane, G., (2014), 'The evaluability bias in charitable giving: Saving administration costs or saving lives?', Judgment and Decision Making, Vol: 9(4): 303-315. [open access]
- Caviola, L., Mannino, A., Savulescu, J. and Faulmüller, N., (2014), 'Cognitive biases can affect moral intuitions about cognitive enhancement', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol: Online 15 October 2014. [open access]
- De Crespigny, L. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Homebirth and the Future Child', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(12): 807-812
- Douglas, T., (2014), 'The Concise Argument: Stem Cell-Derived Gametes, Iterated In Vitro Fertilisation, and Genetic Parenthood', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40: 723-724.
- Douglas, T., (2014), 'The Concise Argument: Biosecurity and the Division of Cognitive Labour', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(4): 193-194.
- Douglas, T., (2014), 'The Concise Argument: Moral Bioenhancement, Freedom and Reasoning', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(6): 359-360.
- Douglas, T., (2014), 'The dual-use problem, scientific isolationism and the division of moral labour', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 32(1-2): 86-105. [open access]
- Douglas, T., (2014). 'The Relationship Between Effort and Moral Worth: Three Amendments to Sorensen’s Model', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol: 17(2): 325-334. [open access]
- Douglas, T., (2014). 'Criminal Rehabilitation Through Medical Intervention: Moral Liability and the Right to Bodily Integrity', The Journal of Ethics, Vol: 18(2): 101-122. [open access]
- Douglas, T., (2014), 'Enhancing Moral Conformity and Enhancing Moral Worth', Neuroethics, Vol: online. [open access]
- Dunlop, M. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Distributive Justice and Cognitive Enhancement in Lower, Normal Intelligence', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 32(3): 189-204.
- Earp, B. D. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Neuroreductionism about Sex and Love', Think, Vol: 13(38): 7-12. [freely available]
- Earp, B. D., (2014). 'Hymen 'restoration' in cultures of oppression: How can physicians promote individual patient welfare without becoming complicit in the perpetuation of unjust social norms?', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(6): 431. [author's version]
- Earp, B. D., Sandberg, A. and Savulescu, J. (2014). 'Brave new love: the threat of high-tech "conversion" therapy and the bio-oppression of sexual minorities' American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience, Vol: 5(1): 4-12. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., Sandberg, A., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2014). "When is diminishment a form of enhancement? Rethinking the enhancement debate in biomedical ethics" Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol: 8: 1-8. [open access]
- Earp, B. D., Everett, J. A. C., Madva, E. N. and Hamlin, J. K. (2014). "Out, damned spot: can the "Macbeth Effect" be replicated?" Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Vol: 36(1): 91-98. [open access]
- Foster, C. and Savulescu, J., (2014). "Jurors Have Rights Too" Archbold Review, Vol: (1): 5
- Gipson, J., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Attitudes of Lay People to Withdrawal of Treatment in Brain Damaged Patients', Neuroethics, Vol: 7(1): 1-9 [open access]
- Goold, I. and H. Maslen, (2014). 'Must the Surgeon Take the Pill? Negligence Duty in the Context of Cognitive Enhancement', The Modern Law Review, Vol:77(1): 60-86
- Jefferson, W., Douglas, T., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2014). 'Enhancement and Civic Virtue', Social Theory and Practice, Vol: 40(3): 499-527. [open access]
- Kahane, G., (2014), 'Our Cosmic Insignificance', Noûs, Vol: 48(4): 745-772. [open access]
- Kahane, G., (2014). 'Evolution and Impartiality' Ethics, Vol: 124(2): 327-341. [open access]
- Levy, N., Douglas, T., Kahane, G., Terbeck, S., Cowen, P., Hewstone, M. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Are You Morally Modified? The Moral Effects of Widely Used Pharmaceuticals', Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, Vol: 21(2): 111–125. [open access]
- Levy, N., Douglas, T., Kahane, G., Terbeck, S., Cowen, P., Hewstone, M. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Disease, Normality and Current Pharmacological Moral Modification' [reply to commentators], Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, Vol: 21(2): 135-137.
- Levy, N., (2014), 'The Value of Consciousness', Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol: 21: 127-138. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2014). 'Is Neurolaw Conceptually Confused?', The Journal of Ethics, Vol: 18(2): 171-185. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2014). 'Addiction as a disorder of belief', Biology & Philosophy, Vol: 29(3): 337-355. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2014). "Psychopaths and blame: The argument from content" Philosophical Psychology, Vol: online. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2014). 'Consciousness, Implicit Attitudes and Moral Responsibility', Noûs, Vol: 48: 21-40. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2014). 'The Value of Consciousness', Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol: 21: 127-138.
- Maslen, H., Earp, B., Cohen Kadosh, R. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Brain stimulation for treatment and enhancement in children: an ethical analysis', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol: 8(953) [open access]
- Maslen, H., Faulmüller, N. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Pharmacological cognitive enhancement - how future neuroscientific research could advance ethical debate', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol: 8 (107). [open access]
- Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Cohen Kadosh, R., Levy, N. and Savulescu, J., (2014). "The regulation of cognitive enhancement devices: extending the medical model" Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Vol: 1(1): 68-93 [open access]
- Mcnamee, M., Savulesu, J. and Willick, S., (2014), 'Ethical Considerations in Paralympic Sport: When Are Elective Treatments Allowable to Improve Sports Performance?', Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal, Vol: 6(8) August 2014 Supplement: S66–S75.
- Mojzisch, A., Kerschreiter, R., Faulmüller, N., Vogelgesang, F. and Schulz-Hardt, S., (2014), 'The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision-making', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol: (106): 961-977.
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Should Moral Bioenhancement Be Compulsory? Reply to Vojin Rakic', Journal of Medical Ethics 40:251-252., Vol: 40(4): 251-252.
- Pugh, J., (2014), 'Enhancing Autonomy by Reducing Impulsivity: The Case of ADHD', Neuroethics, Vol: 7(3): 373–375.
- Pugh, J., (2014), 'Concerns About Eroding the Ethical Barrier to in Vitro Eugenics: Lessons from the hESC Debate', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(11): 737-738.
- Pugh, J., (2014), 'Coercive Paternalism and Back-Door Perfectionism', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(5).
- Pugh, J., (2014), 'Embryos, The Principle of Proportionality, and the Shaky Ground of Moral Respect', Bioethics, Vol: 28(8): 420–426.
- Roache, R., (2014). 'Can Brain Scans Prove Criminals Unaccountable?', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 5(2): 35-37. [open access]
- Santoni De Sio, F., Faulmüller, N. and Vincent, N. A., (2014), 'How cognitive enhancement can change our duties', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol: 8(131). [open access]
- Savulescu, J., (2014), 'A simple solution to the puzzles of end of life? Voluntary palliated starvation', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40(2): 110-113.
- Savulescu, J. and Persson, I., (2014), 'Against Fetishism about Egalitarianism and In Defence of Cautious Moral Bioenhancement', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 14(4): 39-42.
- Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Performance Optimization and Physiological Doping', Substance Abuse and Misuse, Vol: 49(9): 1186–1189.
- Schaefer, G.O., Savulescu, J. and Kahane, G., (2014), 'Autonomy and Enhancement', Neuroethics, Vol: 7(2), pp 123-136. [open access]
- Schaefer, G. O. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'The Ethics of Producing In Vitro Meat', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 31(2): 188-202. [open access]
- Schelle, K. J., Faulmüller, N., Caviola, L. and Hewstone, M., (2014), 'Attitudes towards pharmacological cognitive enhancement – a review', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol: 8(53). [open access]
- Shea, N., (2014), 'Reward prediction error signals are meta-representational', Noûs, Vol: Vol: 48(2): 314-341. [open access]
- Shea, N., (2014). "Naturalising Representational Content" Philosophy Compass, Vol: 8(5): 496–509 [open access]
- Sheehan, M., Peach, K., Timlin, C. and Al, E., (2014), 'Position Statement on Ethics, Equipoise and Research on Charged Particle Radiation Therapy', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 40: 572-575.
- Shepherd, J., (2014), 'Consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility: Taking the folk seriously', Philosophical Psychology, Vol: 28(7): 929-946. [open access]
- Shepherd, J., (2014). "The Contours of Control" Philosophical Studies, Vol: 170(3): 395-411. [open access]
- Tremellen, K. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Ovarian reserve screening: a scientific and ethical analysis', Human Reproduction, Vol: 29(12): 2606-2614.
- White, B., Willmott, L. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Voluntary Palliated Starvation: A Lawful and Ethical Way to Die?', Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol: 22: 276-286.
- Wilkinson, D., De Crespigny, L. and Xafis, V., (2014), 'Ethical language and decision-making for prenatally diagnosed lethal malformations', Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, Vol: 19(5): 306-311. [open access]
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'A costly separation between withdrawing and withholding treatment in intensive care', Bioethics, Vol: 28(3): 127-137. [open access]
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'Disability, discrimination and death: is it justified to ration life saving treatment for disabled newborn infants?', Monash Bioethics Review., Vol: 32(1-2): 43-62. [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., De Crespigny, L., Lees, C., Savulescu, J., Thiele, P., Tran, T. and Watkins, A. (2014), 'Perinatal management of trisomy 18: a survey of obstetricians in Australia, New Zealand and the UK', Prenatal Diagnosis, Vol: 34(1): 42-49 [open access]
Popular Articles
- Caviola, L. and Faber, N. S., (2014), 'How stress influences our morality', In-Mind Magazine, Vol: (23).
- Earp, B. D. and Robson, D., (2014). 'Curing love sickness, with medicine? [Online as “Cure for love: Should we take anti-love drugs?” and in print as “A dangerous prescription?”]', New Scientist, Vol: 221(2956): 27-28.
Book Chapters
- Beckstead, N. and Ord, T., (2013). 'Rationing and Rationality: the cost of avoiding discrimination', in N. Eyal and et al, (Eds.) Inequalities in Health: Concepts, Measures, and Ethics. (Oxford: OUP) pp 232–239.
- Birks, D., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Bioethics'. in J. E. Crimmins and D. C. Long, (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism. (Bloomsbury Press) pp 57- 59.
- Clarke, S. (2013). 'The Precautionary Principle and the Dual Use Dilemma'. in B. Rappert and M. Selgelid, (Eds.) On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics: Principles, Practices and Prospects. (Canberra, ANU E-Press) [free]
- Clarke, S., Powell, R. and Savulescu, J. (2013), 'Religion, Tolerance and Intolerance: Views from Across the Disciplines', in S. Clarke, R. Powell and J. Savulescu (Eds.) Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation, (Oxford: OUP)
- Clarke, S., Powell, R. and Savulescu, J. (2013), 'Commentary: Religion, Intolerance and Conflict: Practical Implications for Social Policy', in S. Clarke, R. Powell and J. Savulescu (Eds.) Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation, (Oxford: OUP)
- Douglas, T., (2013), 'Enhancement, Biomedical'. in H. LaFollette, (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Ethics. (Wiley Blackwell)
- Douglas, T. (2013). 'An Expected Value Approach to the Dual-Use Problem'. in M. Selgelid and B. Rappert (Eds.) On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics: Principles, Practices, and Prospects (ANU Press) Freely available to download.
- Foddy, B., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Practical Neuropsychiatric Ethics' in. K. W. M. Fulford, M. Davies, G. Graham, J. Sadler, G. Stanghellini and T. Thornton (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Psychiatry, (Oxford: OUP)
- Hewstone, M. and H. Maslen, (2013), 'Intergroup Forgiveness and Apology: Psychological Research and Philosophical Considerations'. in C. A. Lewis, M. B. Rogers, K. M. Loewenthal et al., (Eds.) Aspects of terrorism and martyrdom: Dying for good, dying for God. (Lampeter, UK: Edwin Meller Press)
- Hiruta, K., (2013), 'Isaiah Berlin' in. M. Nakamasa (eds). Seijishiso no Chie [Ideas in Political Thought] (Kyoto: Horitsu Bunka-sha) pp 161-77.
- Kahane, G., (2013), 'Designing Children and Respect for the Given' Ethics For the Future of Life: Proceedings of the 2012 Uehiro-Carnegie-Oxford Ethics Conference (ebook): 80-87.
- Jamison, D., Jha, P., Laxminarayan, R. and Ord, T. (2013). 'Infectious Disease', in B. Lomborg, (Ed.) Global Problems, Smart Solutions: Costs and Benefits. (Cambridge: CUP) pp 390–426.
- Maslen, H. and J. V. Roberts, (2013), 'The Role of Remorse at Sentencing: An Analysis of Guidelines and Empirical Practice'. in A. Ashworth and J. V. Roberts, (Eds.) Sentencing Guidelines: Exploring the English Model. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'The Limits of Religious Tolerance A Secular View', in S. Clarke, R. Powell and J. Savulescu (Eds.)
Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation, (Oxford: OUP) - Roberts, J. V. and H. Maslen, (2014), 'After the Crime: Post-Offence Conduct and Penal Censure'. in A. Simester, U. Neumann and A. du Bois-Pedain, (Eds.) Liberal Criminal Theory: Essays for Andreas von Hirsch. (Oxford: Hart Publishing):
- Savulescu, J., And Beauchamp, Z., (2013), 'Robot Angels: Teleoperated Combat Vehicles In Humanitarian Military Intervention'. in B. J. Strawser, (Ed.), Killing by Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military. (New York: Oxford University Press) pp 106-125.
Journal Articles
- Barutchu, A., Becker, S. I., Carter, O., Hester, R. and Levy, N., (2013), 'The role of task-related learned representations in explaining asymmetries in task switching', PLoS ONE, Vol: 4(e61729). [open access]
- Barutchu, A., Carter, O., Hester, R. and Levy, N., (2013), 'Strength in cognitive self-regulation', Frontiers in Cognition, Vol: 4: 1-10. [open access]
- Bambery, B., Selgelid, M., Maslen, H., Pollard, A. J. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'The Case for Mandatory Flu Vaccination of Children' American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 13(9): 38-40.
- Campbell, A. V., Gillon, R., Savulescu, J., Harris, J., Holm, S., Evans, H. M., Greaves, D., Macnaughton, J., Kirklin, D. and Eckstein, S., (2013), 'The Journal of Medical Ethics and Medical Humanities: Offsprings of the London Medical Group', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(11): 667-668.
- Clarke, S., (2013), 'The Neuroscience of Decision Making and Our Standards for Assessing Competence to Consent', Neuroethics, Vol: 6(1): 189-196.
- Douglas, T. and Devolder, K., (2013), 'Procreative Altruism: Beyond Individualism in Reproductive Selection' Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 38(4): 400-419. [open access]
- Douglas, T., Powell, R. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Is the creation of artificial life morally significant?' Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Vol: 44(4 (Part B)): 688–696 (4th most downloaded article from ScienceDirect in 90 day period) [open access]
- Douglas, T., Bonte, P., Focquaert, F., Devolder, K. and Sterckx, S., (2013), 'Coercion, Incarceration, and Chemical Castration: An Argument From Autonomy', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Vol: 10(3) pp. 393-405 [open access]
- Douglas, T. (2013), 'Moral enhancement via direct emotion modulation: a reply to John Harris', Bioethics, Vol: Vol: 27(3): 160-168 [open access]
- Douglas, T., (2013), 'Human enhancement and supra-personal moral status', Philosophical Studies, Vol: 162(3): 473-497 [open access]
- Douglas, T., (2013), 'The Harms of Status Enhancement Could Be Compensated or Outweighed: A Response to Agar', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(2): 75-76
- Douglas, T., (2013), 'A Concise Argument: On The Wrongness of Killing', Journal of Medical Ethics Vol: 39(1): 1-2 [freely available]
- Earp, B. D., Dill, B., Harris, J., Ackerman, J. M. and Bargh, J. A. (2013), 'No sign of quitting: Incidental exposure to “no smoking” signs ironically boosts cigarette-approach tendencies in smokers', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol: 43(10) pp. 2158-2162
- Earp, B. D., Wudarczyk, O. A., Sandberg, A. and Savulescu, J. (2013), 'If I Could Just Stop Loving You: Anti-Love Biotechnology and the Ethics of a Chemical Breakup', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 13(11) pp. 3-17 [open access]
- Earp, B. D., (2013), 'The Ethics of Infant Male Circumcision', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(1): 416-417.
- Earp, B. D., (2013), 'Does rationality + consciousness = free will?' Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol: 20(1): 248-253.
- Earp, B. D., (2013), 'Early academic self concepts and the racial achievement gap', Journal of Social and Psychological Sciences, Vol: 6(1): 3-26.
- Earp, B. D. and Everett, J.A.C., (2013), 'Is the N170 face-specific? Controversy, context, and theory', Neuropsychological Trends, Vol:: 13(1): 7-26.
- Farias, M., Newheiser, A.-K., Kahane, G. and de Toledo, Z., (2013), 'Scientific Faith: Belief in Science Increases in the Face of Stress and Existential Anxiety', The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol: 49(6): 1201-1213. [open access]
- Faulmüller, N., Maslen, H. and Santoni De Sio, F., (2013), 'The Indirect Psychological Costs of Cognitive Enhancement' The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 13: 45-47.
- Heyward, C., (2013), 'Situating and abandoning geoengineering: a typology of five responses to dangerous climate change', PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol: 46(1)
- Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2013), 'Normal Human Variation: Refocusing the Enhancement Debate', Bioethics, Vol: online [open access]
- Kahane, G., (2013), 'Must Metaethical Realism Make a Semantic Claim? ' Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol: 10(2): 148 – 178 [open access]
- Kahane, G. (2013), 'The Armchair and the Trolley: An Argument for Experimental Ethics', Philosophical Studies, Vol: 162(2): 421-445 [open access]
- Levy, N., (2013), 'Justice for Psychopaths', AJOB-Neuroscience, Vol: 4: 23-24.
- Levy, N., (2013), 'Are We Agents At All? Helen Steward’s Agency Incompatibilism', Inquiry, Vol: 56(386-399).
- Levy, N., (2013), 'Free will doesn’t come for free', AJOB-Neuroscience, Vol: 4(4): 53-54.
- Levy, N., (2013), 'The Importance of Awareness', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol: 91(2): 211-229.
- Levy, N., (2013), 'The moral significance of being born', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(5): 326-329.
- Levy, N., (2013), 'There May Be Costs to Failing to Enhance, as Well as to Enhancing', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 13(7): 38-39.
- Levy, N., (2013), 'Addiction is not a brain disease (and it matters)', Frontiers in Addictive Disorders & Behavioral Dyscontrol, Vol: 4: 1-7. [open access]
- Maslen, H., Savulescu, J., Douglas, T., Levy, N. and Cohen Kadosh, R., (2013), 'Regulating Cognitive Enhancement Devices', The Lancet, Vol: 382(9896): 938.
- Pugh, J., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2013), 'Cohen’s Conservatism and Human Enhancement', The Journal of Ethics, Vol: 17(4): 331-354 [open access]
- Rayner, S., Heyward, C., Kruger, T., Pidgeon, N., Redgewell, C. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'The Oxford Principles' Climatic Change, Vol: 121(3): 499-512.
- Rini, R., (2013), 'Analogies, Moral Intuitions, and the Expertise Defence' Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Vol: online first.
- Rini, R., (2013), 'Making Psychology Normatively Significant' The Journal of Ethics, Vol: 17(3): 257-274.
- Rini, R., Bruni, T. and Mameli, M., (2013)' 'The Science of Morality and its Normative Implications' Neuroethics, Vol: online first.
- Rini, R., (2013), 'Of course the baby should live: Against "after birth abortion"' Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39: 353-356.
- Savulescu, J., (2013). 'Just Dying: The Futility of Futility', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol:39: 583-584,
- Savulescu, J. and Persson, I., (2013), 'Getting moral enhancement right: the desirability of moral bioenhancement', Bioethics, Vol: 27(3): 124-131 [open access]
- Savulescu, J., Creaney, L. and Vondy, A., (2013), 'HEAD TO HEAD: Should athletes be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs?' British Medical Journal, Vol: 347(F6150). [free but registration required]
- Savulescu, J. and Sparrow, R., (2013), 'Making Better Babies, Pro and Con' (debate transcript), Monash Review of Bioethics, Vol: 31(1): 36-59.
- Savulescu, J., (2013), 'A Liberal Consequentialist Approach to Regulation of Cognitive Enhancers' American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 13(7): 53-55.
- Shepherd, J., (2013), 'Why Block can't stand the HOT' Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol: 20(3-4): 183-195.
- Shepherd, J. and Mele, A., (2013), 'Situationism and Agency' Journal of Practical Ethics, Vol: 1(1): 62-83. (freely available)
- Shea, N. (2013), 'Inherited representations are read in development', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol: 64(1): 1-31 [open access]
- Terbeck, S., Kahane, G., McTavish, S., Savulescu, J., Levy, N., Hewstone, M. and Cowen, P.J., (2013), 'Beta adrenergic blockade reduces utilitarian judgement', Biological Psychology, Vol: 92(2): 323-328. [open access]
- Wiech, K., Kahane, G., Shackel, N., Farias, M., Savulescu, J. and Tracey, I., (2013), 'Cold or Calculating? Reduced Activity in the Subgenual Cingulate Reflects Decreased Aversion to Harming in Counterintuitive Utilitarian Judgment', Cognition, Vol: 126(3): 364-372. [open access]
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Is it better to be minimally conscious than vegetative?', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 39(9): 557-558.
- Wilkinson, D., De Crespigny, L., Lees, C., Savulescu, J., Thiele, P., Tran, T. and Watkins, A. (2013), 'Perinatal management of trisomy 18: a survey of obstetricians in Australia, New Zealand and the UK', Prenatal Diagnosis, Vol: online [open access]
- Wudarczyk, O.A., Earp, B.D., Guastella, A. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Could intranasal oxytocin be used to enhance relationships? Research imperatives, clinical policy, and ethical considerations' , Current Opinion in Psychiatry, Vol: 26(5): 475-484. [open access]
Book Chapters
- Douglas, T., Harding, C., Bourne, H. and Savulescu, J. (2012). 'Stem Cell Research and Same-Sex Reproduction'. in M. Quigley, S. Chan and J. Harris, (Eds.) Stem Cells: New Frontiers in Science and Ethics (World Scientific) pp 207-228.
- Levy, N., (2012), 'Addiction and Autonomy' in. A. Carter, W. Hall and J. Illes (eds). Addiction Neuroethics, (Elsevier).
- Sandberg, A., Sinnott-Armstrong, W. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'The Memory of Jurors: Enhancing Trial Performance'. in L. Nadel and W. Sinnott-Armstrong, (Eds.), Oxford Series in Neuroscience, Law, and Philosophy, (New York: Oxford University Press) pp 213-232.
- Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Enhancing Equality' in. K. Lippert-Rasmussen, M. Rosendahl and J. Wamberg (eds). The Posthuman Condition: Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics of Biotechnological Challenges, (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press): 184- 203.
- Shea, N., (2012), 'Two Modes of Transgenerational Information Transmission' in. B. Calcott, B. Fraser, R. Joyce and K. Sterelny (eds). Signaling, Commitment, and Emotion (MIT Press).
- Wong, P.H., (2012), 'Thinking Through Consumption and Technology' in. P. Brey, A. Briggle and E. Spence (eds). The Good Life in a Technological Age, (New York: Routledge).
Edited Journal Issue
Powell, R., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Special Issue: Evolution, Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement' Philosophy and Technology, Vol: 25 (4): 435-632.
Journal Article
- Anderson, J., Strelkowa, N., Stan, G., Douglas, T., Savulescu, J., Barahona, M. and Papachristodoulou, A., (2012), 'Engineering and ethical perspectives in synthetic biology', EMBO Reports, Vol: 13: 584 - 590 [Open access]
- Bourne, H., Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Procreative beneficence and in vitro gametogenesis', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 30(2): 29-48. [open access]
- Brown, D. L., Clarke, S. and Oakley, J., (2012), 'Cardiac Surgeon Report Cards, Referral for Cardiac Surgery, and the Ethical Responsibilities of Cardiologists', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol: 59(25). [free]
- Clarke, S., Powell, R., and Savulescu, J. (2012), 'An ethical and prudential argument for prioritizing the reduction of parasite-stress in the allocation of health care resources', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol: 35 (April ): 90-91.
- Clarke, S. and Roache. R. (2012), 'Introducing Transformative Technologies into Democratic Societies', Philosophy and Technology, Vol: 25(1): 27-45.
- Cohen Kadosh, R., Levy, N., O’Shea, J., Shea, N. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'The Neuroethics of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation', Current Biology, Vol: 22(4): R1-R4.
- Douglas, T., (2012), 'Self-Serving Bias and the Structure of Moral Status: Comment on DeGrazia' Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 38(3): 141-142.
- Douglas, T., (2012), Commentary: 'Self-serving bias and the structure of moral status', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 38: 141-142 [open access]
- Earp, B. D., Sandberg, A. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Natural Selection, Childrearing, and the Ethics of Marriage (and Divorce): Building a Case for the Neuroenhancement of Human Relationships', Philosophy & Technology, Vol: 25(4): 561-587 [open access]
- Earp, B. D., (2012), 'The extinction of masculine generics', Journal for Communication and Culture, Vol: 2(1): 4-19.
- Earp, B. D., (2012), 'An anti-anti-functionalist account of consciousness', Annales Philosophici, Vol: 4(1): 6-15.
- Earp, B. D., (2012), 'I can't get no (epistemic) satisfaction: Why the hard problem of consciousness entails a hard problem of explanation', Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences, Vol: 5(1): 14-20.
- Faulmüller, N., Mojzisch, A., Kerschreiter, R. and Schulz-Hardt, S., (2012), 'Do You Want to Convince Me or to Be Understood? Preference-Consistent Information Sharing and its Motivational Determinants', Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol: online first
- Foddy, B., (2012), 'The right and wrong of growing old: assessing the argument from evolution', Philosophy and Technology. Vol: 25(4): 547-560 [open access
- Heyward, C., (2012), 'A Growing Problem: Dealing with Population Issues in Climate Justice', Ethical Perspectives, Vol: 19(4)
- Zellentin, A., Heyward, C. and Meyer, L., (2012), 'Introduction: Responsibility in International Political Philosophy', Ethical Perspectives, Vol: 19(4)
- Hiruta, K., (2012), 'Book Review: Alison Kesby's "The Right to Have Rights: Citizenship, Humanity, and International Law' (Oxford University Press, 2012)' Plurilogue: Politics and Philosophy Reviews, Vol: Nov-12 pp.
- Hiruta, K., (2012), 'Book Review "Taming the Gods: Religion and Democracy on Three Continents" (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010) by Ian Buruma' Political Studies Review, Vol: 10 (2), pp.
- Kahane, G., Wiech, K., Shackel, N., Farias, M., Savulescu, J. and Tracey, I. (2012), 'The Neural Basis of Intuitive and Counterintuitive Moral Judgement', Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Vol: 7(4): 393-402. [open access]
- Kahane, G., (2012), 'The value question in metaphysics', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol: 85(1): 27-55 [open access]
- Kahane, G., (2012), 'On the Wrong Track: Process and Content in Moral Psychology', Mind & Language, Vol: 27(5): 519–545 [open access]
- Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'The Concept of Harm and the Significance of Normality', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 29(4): 318-332 [open access]
- Kahane, G., Wiech, K., Shackel, N., Farias, M., Savulescu, J. and Tracey, I. (2012), 'The Neural Basis of Intuitive and Counterintuitive Moral Judgement', Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Vol: 7(4) pp.393-402
- Levy, N., (2012), 'Capacities and counterfactuals: A Reply to Haji and McKenna', Dialectica, Vol: 66: 607-620.
Levy, N., (2012), 'Skepticism and Sanction: The Benefits of Rejecting Moral Responsibility', Law and Philosophy, Vol: 31(5): 477-493. - Levy, N., (2012), 'Ecological Engineering: Reshaping Our Environments to Achieve Our Goals', Philosophy & Technology Vol: 25(4): 589-604. [open access]
- Levy, N., (2012), 'The Use Of Animals As Models: Ethical Considerations', International Journal of Stroke, Vol: 7: 440-442
- Levy, N., (2012), 'A Role For Consciousness After All', Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol: 99: 255-264
- Levy, N., (2012), 'Neuroethics', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, Vol: 3: 143-151
- Levy, N., (2012), 'Expressing Who We Are: Moral Responsibility and Awareness of our Reasons for Action', Analytic Philosophy, Vol: 52: 243-261
- Levy, N., (2012), 'Culture by Nature', Philosophical Explorations, Vol: 14: 237-248
- Liao, M., Sandberg, A. and Roache, R., (2012), 'Human engineering and climate change', Ethics, Policy & Environment Vol: 15(2): 206-221.
- Pollard, A., Savulescu, J., Oxford, J., Hill, A., Levine, M., Lewis, D. J., Read, R. C., Graham, D., Sun, W., Openshaw, P. and Gordon, S., (2012). ,Human microbial challenge: the ultimate animal model, Lancet Infectious Diseases, Vol: 12(12): 903-905.
- Powell, R., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Introduction to Special Issue: Evolution, Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement', Philosophy and Technology, Vol: 25(4): 439-458
- Powell, R. and Clarke, S., (2012), 'Religion as an Evolutionary Byproduct: A Critique of the Standard Model', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Vol: 63(3): 457-486.
- Santoni de Sio, F., Maslen, H. and Faulmüller, N., (2012), 'The Necessity of Objective Standards for Moral Enhancement', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 3: 15-16
- Savulescu, J. and Persson, I., (2012), 'Moral Enhancement, Freedom and the God Machine', The Monist, Vol: 95(3): 399-421. [open access]
- Shea, N., (2012), 'New thinking, innateness and inherited representation', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Vol: 367(1599): 2234-2244 [open access]
- Shea, N. (2012), 'Inherited representations are read in development', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol: online advance [open access]
- Taylor, P., (2012), 'Fooled by Lack of Randomness', Chartered Insurance Institute Centenary Future Risk Series, Vol: No 4, July: 24-25
- Taylor, P., (2012), 'The Age of Uncertainty', POST magazine, Vol: 26 April: 24-25
- Terbeck, S., Kahane, G., McTavish, S., Savulescu, J., Cowen, P. and Hewstone, M. (2012), 'Propranolol reduces implicit negative racial bias ', Psychopharmacology Vol: 222 (3), pp.419-424.
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J. (2012), 'Should We Allow Organ Donation Euthanasia? Alternatives for Maximizing the Number and Quality of Organs for Transplantation', Bioethics, Vol: 26(1) [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Savulescu, J. and Slater, R., (2012), 'Sugaring the pill. Ethics and uncertainties in the use of sucrose for newborn infants', Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, Vol: 166(7): 629–633. [open access]
- Wong, P.H., (2012), 'A Walzerian Approach to ICTs and the Good Life', Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Vol: 10(1).
- Wong, P.H., (2012), 'Dao, Harmony and Personhood: Towards a Confucian Ethics of Technology', Philosophy & Technology, Vol: 25(1).
- Zellentin, A., Heyward, C. and Meyer, L., (2012), 'Introduction: Responsibility in International Political Philosophy', Ethical Perspectives, Vol: 19(4)
Book Chapters
- Arinaminpathy, N., Savulescu, J. and McLean, A. (2011), 'Effective Use of a Limited Antiviral Stockpile for Pandemic Influenza', in M. J.Selgelid, A. McLean, N. Arinaminpathy and J. Savulescu (Eds.) Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion, (Springer)
- Clarke, S. (2011), 'Cognitive Bias and Collective Enhancement', in J. Savulescu, R. T. Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds.) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Blackwell) pp. 127-137
- Douglas, T. (2011), 'Moral Enhancement', in R. t. Meulen, J. Savulescu and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
- Foddy, B. (2011), 'Enhancing Skill', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
- Kahane, G., Savulescu, J. and Ter Meulen, R. (2011), 'Preface', in G. Kahane, J. Savulescu and R. Ter Meulen (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Free Will and the Sciences of the Mind.' in G. Oppy and N. Trakakis (Eds) The Antipodean Philosopher, (Plymouth: Lexington Books)
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Addiction, Responsibility and Ego-Depletion', in J. Poland and G. Graham (Eds) Addiction and Responsibility, (MIT Press)
- Levy, N. and McGuire, j. (2011), 'Cognitive Enhancement and Intuitive Dualism', in R. Langdon and C. Mackenzie (Eds) Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning, (New York: Psychology Press)
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Luck and Free Will', in J. Aguilar, A. Buckareff and K. Frankish (Eds) New Waves in Philosophy of Action, (Palgrave-MacMillan)
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Neuroethics and the Extended Mind', in J. Illes and B. Sahakian (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J. (2011), 'Unfit for the Future? Human Nature, Scientific Progress, and the Need for Moral Enhancement', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
- Sandberg, A. (2011), 'Cognition Enhancement: Upgrading the Brain', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 71-91
- Sandberg, A., Sinnott-Armstrong, W. and Savulescu, J. (2011), 'Cognitive Enhancement in Courts', in J. Illes and B. J. Sahakian (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Sandberg, A. and Savulescu, J. (2011), 'The Social and Economic Impacts of Cognitive Enhancement', in J. Savulescu, R. Ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 92-113
- Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2011), 'Le Tour and Failure of Zero Tolerance: Time to Relax Doping Controls', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
- Savulescu, J., Sandberg, A. and Kahane, G. (2011), 'Enhancement and Well-being', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds.) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 3-18
- Savulescu, J., Sandberg, A. and Kahane, G. (2011), 'Reasons to Feel, Reasons to Take Pills', in J. Savulescu, R. ter Meulen and G. Kahane (Eds.) Enhancing Human Capacities, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 166-178
- Savulescu, J. and Wilkinson, D., (2011), 'Death Fiction and Taking Organs from the Living ' Organ and Tissue Donation, Vol 333 of Series Issues in Society, (Thirroul: The Spinney Press): p.34
- Savulescu, J. (2011), 'Genetically Modified Animals: Should There be Limits to Engineering the Animal Kingdom?' in T. Beauchamp and R. Frey (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Animals and Ethics, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Selgelid, M. J., McLean, A., Arinaminpathy, N. and Savulescu, J. (2011), 'Introduction', in M. J.Selgelid, A. McLean, N. Arinaminpathy and J. Savulescu (Eds.) Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion, (Springer)
- Wilkinson, D. and Foster, C., (2010). 'The Carmentis machine: ethical and legal issues in the use of neuroimaging to guide treatment withdrawal in newborn infants'. in M. Freeman, (Ed.) Current Legal Issues: Law and Neuroscience. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Journal Articles
- Clarke, S., Powell, R., and Savulescu, J. (2012), 'An ethical and prudential argument for prioritizing the reduction of parasite-stress in the allocation of health care resources', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol: 35(April ): 90-91.
- Clarke, S. and Roache. R. (2012), 'Introducing Transformative Technologies into Democratic Societies', Philosophy and Technology, Vol: 25(1): 27-45.
- Earp, B. D. (2011), 'Do I have more free will than you do? An unexpected asymmetry in intuitions about personal freedom'. New School Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 21, 34-40.
- Earp, B. D. (2011), 'Can science tell us what’s objectively true?' The New Collection, Vol. 6., No. 1, 1-9.
- Foddy, B. and Savulescu, J., (2011), 'Time to Reevaluate Gender Segregation in Athletics?', British Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol: 45(15): 1184-1188.
- Foddy, B. (2011), 'The Ethical Placebo', The Journal of Mind-Body Regulation Vol: 1(2): pp. 53-62.
- Foddy, B. (2011), 'Addiction and its Sciences — Philosophy', Addiction Vol: 106(1): pp. 25-31.
- Foddy, B. (2011), 'Addicted to food, hungry for drugs', Neuroethics Vol: 4(2): pp. 79-89.
- Hiruta, K., (2013), 'Book Review of Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times', Political Studies Review, Vol: 11(1): 77
- Kahane, G., (2011), 'The armchair and the trolley: an argument for experimental ethics', Philosophical Studies, Vol: Online first [open access]
- Kahane, G. and T. Chan. (2011), 'The trouble with being sincere', The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol: 41(2): 215-234. [freely available]
- Kahane, G. and J. Savulescu. (2011), 'Disability: A Welfarist Approach', Clinical Ethics, Vol: 6(1): 45-51.
- Kahane, G. (2011), 'Mastery Without Mystery: Why there is no Promethean Sin in Enhancement', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 28(4): 355–368. [open access]
- Kahane, G. (2011), 'Should We Want God to Exist?' Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Vol: 82(3): pp. 674-696. [open access]
- Kahane, G. and Chan, T. (2011), 'The trouble with being sincere', The Canadian Journal of Philosophy Vol: 41(2): pp. 215-234.
- Kahane, G. (2011), 'Disability: A Welfarist Approach', Clinical Ethics, Vol: 6(1) pp. 45-51 [open access]
- Kahane, G. (2011), 'Evolutionary Debunking Arguments', Noûs, Vol 45(1) pp. 103–125, [open access]
- Levy, N., (2011), 'Resisting Weakness of the Will', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol: 82 (1): 134-155 [open access]
- Levy, N., (2011), 'We’re All Folk: An Interview with Neil Levy About Experimental Philosophy and Conceptual Analysis', Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, Vol: 19: 87-98
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Enhancing Authenticity', Journal of Applied Philosophy Vol: 28: pp. 308-218.
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Moore on Twin Earth', Erkenntnis Vol: 75 pp. 137-146.
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Changing One’s Mind: The Ethics of Memory Erasure in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', Scienza & Filosofia Vol: 5: pp. 29-49.
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Resisting Weakness of the Will', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol: 82 (1) pp. 134-155
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Searle's Wager', AI and Society, Vol: 26 (4), pp 363–369 [open access]
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Neuroethics: A new way of doing ethics', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 2(2) pp. 3-9 [open access]
- Levy, N. (2011), 'Response to Open Peer Commentaries: Neuroethics: A new way of doing ethics', AJOB Neuroscience, Vol: 2(2) pp. W1-W4 [open access]
- Powell, R. and Buchanan, A. (2011), 'Breaking Evolution's Chains: The Prospect of Deliberate Genetic Modification in Humans' Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Vol: 36(1): pp. 6-27
- Powell, R. and Buchanan, A. (2011), 'Breaking Evolution's Chains: The Prospect of Deliberate Genetic Modification in Humans' Re-printed in Briefing Book for the U.S. Presidential Commission for Bioethics, 2010
- Savulescu, J. and Finn, A. (2011), 'Is Immunisation Child Protection?' The Lancet Series Vol: 378 (9790) pp 465–468.
- Savulescu, J. and Persson, I. (2011), 'The Turn for Ultimate Harm: A Reply to Fenton', Journal of Medical Ethics Vol: 37(7): pp. 441-444. [open access]
- Savulescu, J., (2011), 'Should doctors feel more able to practise according to their personal values and beliefs?' Medical Journal of Australia, Vol: 196(1): 38
- Savulescu, J. (2011), 'JME Mach X: what will it offer you?' (editorial), Journal of Medical Ethics Vol: 37: pp. 453-454.
- Savulescu, J. and I. Persson. (2011), 'Getting moral enhancement right: the desirability of moral bioenhancement', Bioethics, Vol: online first 29 Jul 2011.
- Shea, N. (2011), 'What's Transmitted? Inherited Information', Biology & Philosophy Vol: 26(2): pp. 183-189.
- Shea, N. (2011), 'New concepts can be learned’, review essay on Susan Carey, The Origin of Concepts. Biology & Philosophy. 26: 129-139.
- Shea, N. (2011), 'Acquiring a new concept is not explicable-by-content', Behavioral and Brain Sciences Vol: 34(3): pp. 148-149.
- Shea, N. (2011), 'Developmental Systems Theory Formulated as a Claim About Inherited Information', Philosophy of Science Vol: 78(1): pp. 60-82. [open access]
- Shea, N., Pen, I. and Uller, T. (2011), 'Three epigenetic information channels and their different roles in evolution', Journal of Evolutionary Biology Vol: 24: pp. 1178-1187 [open access]
- Shea, N., (2011), 'Methodological Encounters with the Phenomenal Kind', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol: 84(2): 307-344. [open access]
- Stein, M. and J. Savulescu, (2011). 'Welfare Versus Autonomy in Human Subjects Research', Florida State University Law Review, Vol:38(2): 303-344,
- Wilkinson, D., (2011), 'A Life Worth Giving? The Threshold for Permissible Withdrawal of Life Support From Disabled Newborn Infants', The American Journal of Bioethics Vol: 11(2) [open access]
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J. (2011), 'Knowing when to stop: futility in the ICU', Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, Vol: 24(2) pp. 160-165
- Wilkinson, D., Andersen, C. C., O'Donnell, C. and De Paoli, A., (2011), 'High flow nasal cannula for respiratory support in preterm infants', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue (5)
- Wilkinson, D., (2011), 'The window of opportunity for treatment withdrawal', Archives Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, Vol: 65: 211-215.
- Wilkinson, D., (2011), 'Should we replace disabled newborn infants?', Journal Moral Philosophy, Vol: 8(3): 390-414.
- Wilkinson, D., Thayyil, S. and Robertson, N., (2011), 'Ethical and practical issues in the global use of hypothermia for newborn infants', Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol: 96: F75-F78.
Book Chapters
- Levy, N. (2010), 'Preface' In J. Giordano and B. Gordijn (Eds) Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics', (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
- Levy, N. (2010), 'Evolutionary Ethics: A Survey', in N. Levy (Eds) Evolutionary Ethics, (Ashgate)
- Levy, N. and Linquist, S. (2010), 'Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Evolutionary Psychology', in S. Linquist and N. Levy (Eds) Evolutionary Psychology, (Ashgate)
- Levy, N. (2010), 'Psychopathy, Responsibility and the Moral/Conventional Distinction', in L. Malatesti and J. McMillan (Eds) Responsibility and Psychopathy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Levy, N. (2010), 'Addiction and Compulsion', in T. O’Connor and C. Sandis (Eds) A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, (Blackwell)
- Clarke, S. (2010), ' On New Technologies', in L. Floridi (Ed) The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, Cambridge, Cambridge University PresS: 234-248
- Powell, R. (2010), 'On the Nature of Species and the Moral Significance of their Extinction', in T. L. Beauchamp and R. J. Frey (Eds) Oxford Handbook on Ethics and Animals, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Savulescu, J., (2010), 'Yuk!'. in N. Warburton and D. Edmonds, (Eds.), Philosophy Bites. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 1-9.
- Savulescu, J. and Hope, T. (2010), 'Ethics of Research', in J. Skorupski (Ed) Routledge Companion to Ethics, Routledge
Journal Articles
- Bostrom, N., Cirkovic , M. M. and Sandberg, A. (2010), 'Anthropic Shadow: Observation Selection Effects and Human Extinction Risks', Risk Analysis, Vol: 30(10) pp. 1495-1506
- Clarke, S. (2010), 'Cognitive Bias and the Precautionary Principle: What’s Wrong with the Core Argument in Sunstein’s Laws of Fear and a Way to Fix it ', Journal of Risk Research, Vol: 13(March) pp. 163-174
- Clarke, S. (2010), 'Transcendental Realisms in the Philosophy of Science: on Bhaskar and Cartwright 2010 ', Synthese, Vol: 173(April ) pp. 299-315
- De Crespigny, L. and J. Savulescu, (2010). 'When Mums Come First', Abortion Issue, Special edition of Issues in Society, Vol:312(1): 38-39
- de Crespigny, L., Wilkinson, D., Douglas, T., Textor, M. and Savulescu, J., (2010), 'Australian attitudes to early and late abortion', Medical Journal of Australia, Vol: 193(1): 9-12 [open access]
- Douglas, T., Powell, R., Devolder, K. and Rippon, S. (2010), 'Resisting Sparrow's Sexy Reductio: Selection Principles and the Social Good ', American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience, Vol: 10(7) pp. 16-18
- Douglas, T., (2010), 'Should Institutions Prioritize Rectification over Aid?' Philosophical Quarterly, Vol: 60(241): 698-717 [open access]
- Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Synthetic biology and the ethics of knowledge', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 36(11) pp. 687-693 [open access]
- Douglas, T. (2010), 'Intertemporal Disagreement and Empirical Slippery Slope Arguments', Utilitas Vol: 22(2) pp. 184-197 [open access]
- Duncan, R., Delatycki, M., Gillam, L., Williamson, R., Rogers, J. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'The challenge of developmentally appropriate care: Predictive genetic testing in young people for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)', Familial Cancer, Vol: 9 pp. 27-35
- Erler, A. (2010), ‘Does memory modification threaten our authenticity?’, Neuroethics, Vol: 4, 235-249 [open access]
- Foddy, B. and Savulescu, J., (2010). "A Liberal Account of Addiction" Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychiatry, Vol: 17(1): 1-22.
- Foddy, B. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Relating Addiction to Disease, Disability, Autonomy and the Good Life', Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol: 17(1) pp. 35-42
- Kahane, G. and Shackel, N. (2010), 'Methodological Issues in the Neuroscience of Moral Judgment', Mind and Language Vol: 25(5): pp. 561-582 [open access]
- Savulescu, J. and Kahane, G. (2010), ‘The value of sex in procreative reasons’, American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 10(7) pp. 22-24 [open access]
- Kahane, G. (2010), 'Feeling pain for the very first time: the normative knowledge argument', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol: 80(1) pp. 20-49
- Levy, N. (2010), 'Appiah’s Experiments in Ethics', Neuroethics Vol: 3(3): pp. 197-200.
- Levy, N., (2010). 'The Prospects for Evolutionary Ethics Today' Euramerica Vol: 40: 1-44.
- Levy, N., (2010). 'Scientists and the Folk have the same Concepts' Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol: 33 (4): 344.
- Mars, R.B., Shea, N.J., Kolling, N. and Rushworth, M.F.S., (2010), 'Model-based analyses: Promises, pitfalls, and example applications to the study of cognitive control', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol: 65(2): 252-267 [open access]
- Ord, T., Hillerbrand, R. and Sandberg, A. (2010), 'Probing the improbable: methodological challenges for risks with low probabilities and high stakes', Journal of Risk Research, Vol: 13(2) pp. 191-205
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Actualizable Potential, reproduction and embryo research: bringing embryos into existence for different purposes, or not at all', Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol: 19(1)
- Persson, I. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Moral Transhumanism', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 35(6): 656-669.
- Powell, R. (2010), 'The Evolutionary Biological Implications of Human Genetic Engineering', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: Online advance access
- Powell, R. and Buchanan, A. (2010), "Breaking Evolution's Chains: The Prospect of Deliberate Genetic Modification in Humans" Briefing Book for the U.S. Presidential Commission for Bioethics, (reprint)
- Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Human liberation: Removing biological and psychological barriers to freedom', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 29(1)
- Savulescu, J. and De Crespigny, L. (2010), 'When Mums Come First', Reprinted in Abortion, special edition of Issues in Society Vol: 312(1) pp 38-39, (23 January)
- Sharkey, K., Savulescu, J., Aranda, S. and Schofield, P. (2010), 'Clinician gate-keeping in clinical research is not ethically defensible: an analysis', Journal of Medical Ethics Vol: 36(6) pp. 363-366
- Shea, N. and Bayne, T., (2010), 'The Vegetative State and the Science of Consciousness', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol: 61(3): 459-484 [open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Wyatt, J. and Singh, M. (2010), 'Ethical challenges in the use of therapeutic hypothermia in Indian neonatal units', Indian Pediatrics, Vol: 47(5) pp. 387-394
- Wilkinson, D., (2010). "Magnetic resonance imaging and withdrawal of life support from newborn infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy" Pediatrics , Vol: 126(2).
- Wilkinson, D., (2010). 'How much weight should we give to parental interests in decisions about life support for newborn infants?', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 29(2): 13.11-13.25.
- Wilkinson, D., (2010). '‘We don’t have a crystal ball’: Neonatologists’ views on prognosis and decision-making for infants with birth asphyxia', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 29: 5.1-5.19
- Tarnow-Mordi, W., Wilkinson, D., Trivedi, A. and Brok, J., (2010 ). 'Probiotics can save tens of thousands of premature infants: it is time to change practice', Pediatrics, Vol. (published online)
Book Chapters
- Levy, N. (2009), 'Self-Deception without Thought Experiments', in J. Fernandez and T. Bayne (Eds) Delusions, Self-Deception and Affective Influences on Belief-formation, (New York: Psychology Press)
- Clarke, S. (2009), 'New Technologies, Common Sense and the Paradoxical Precautionary Principle', in M. Duwell and P. Sollie (Eds) Evaluating New Technologies: Methodological Problems for the Assessment of Technological Developments, (Dordrecht:Springer) 159-173
- Clarke, S. (2009), 'Miracles', in H. Campbell and H. Looy (Eds) A Science and Religion Primer, (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic) 147-149
- Clarke, S. (2009), 'Realism, Antirealism', in H. Campbell and H. Looy (Eds) A Science and Religion Primer, (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic) 188-189
- Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2009), 'The Welfarist Account of Disability', in A. Cureton and K. Brownlee (Eds) Disability and Disadvantage, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 14-53
- Ranisch, R. and Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Ethics and Enhancement', in N. Knoepffler and J. Savulescu (Eds) The new man? Enhancement and Genetics, (Alber Verlag)
- Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Enhancement and Fairness', in P. Healey and S. Rayner (Eds) Unnatural Selection: The Challenges of Engineering Tomorrow’s People (London: Earthscan) 177- 187
- Savulescu, J. (2009), 'The Human Prejudice and the Moral Status of Enhanced Beings: What do we Owe the Gods', in J. Savulescu and N. Bostrom (Eds) Human Enhancement, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 211-250
- Savulescu, J. (2009), 'The Yuk Factor', in J. Warburton and D. Edmonds (Eds) Philosophy Bites, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Procreative Beneficence: Why we Should Select the Best Children (Reprint)', in J. Oakley (Ed) Bioethics, (Ashgate) 187-200
- Savulescu, J. and Bostrom, N. (2009), 'Introduction', in J. Savulescu and N. Bostrom (Eds) Human Enhancement, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 1-24
- Savulescu, J. and Devolder, K. (2009), 'The Moral Imperative to Conduct Embryonic Stem Cell and Cloning Research', in J. Pierce and G. Randels (Eds) Contemporary Bioethics: An Integrated Approach, (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Reprinted from the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics - Savulescu, J. and Devolder, K. (2009), 'The Moral Imperative to Conduct Embryonic Stem Cell and Cloning Research', in D. Haugen, S. Musser and K. Lovelace (Eds) At Issue: The Ethics of Cloning (Thomsonville: Gale Cengage Learning)
- Savulescu, J. and Devolder, K. (2009), 'Therapeutic Cloning is Moral', in D. Haugen, S. Musser and K. Lovelace (Eds) At Issue: The Ethics of Cloning, (Thomsonville: Gale Cengage Learning)
- Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2009), 'To Gattaca and Beyond', in J. Healey (Ed) Human Genetics: Ethics & Issues, (Thirroul: The Spinney Press) 27-28
- Savulescu, J. and Levy, N. (2009), 'The moral significance of phenomenal consciousness', in S. Laureys, N. D. Schiff and A. M. Owen (Eds) Coma science: Clinical and ethical implications – Progress in Brain Research, (Oxford: Elsevier) 316-370
Edited Journal Issue
- Selgelid, M. J., McLean, A. R., Arinaminpathy, N. and Savulescu, J., (Eds.) (2009), 'Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion ' Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Vol: 6 pp. 149-152
Journal Articles
- Arinaminpathy, N., Savulescu, J. and Mclean, A. R. (2009), 'Effective use of a Limited Antiviral Stockpile for Pandemic Influenza ', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Vol: 6(2) pp. 171-179
- Clarke, S. (2009), 'Naturalism, Science and the Supernatural', Sophia, Vol: 48 pp. 127-142
- Clarke, S. and Roache, R. (2009), 'Bioconservatism, Bioliberalism and the Wisdom of Reflecting on Repugnance', Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 28 pp. 04.1 - 04.21
- Clarke, S. and Walsh, A. (2009), 'Scientific Imperialism and the Proper Relations between the Sciences', International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol: 23(2) pp. 195-207
- de Crespigny, L., Douglas, T., Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Risky Business: Applying Risk/Benefit Analysis Consistently in Entertainment and Diagnostic Ultrasound', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol: 34(6) pp. 613-615
- Douglas, T., (2009). "On the Post-Mortem Analogy and the Duty to Donate (Response to Commentary)" Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Vol: 33(5): 456-457.
- Douglas, T. (2009). 'Medical Injury Compensation: Beyond “No-Fault”' Medical Law Review 17(1): 30-51
- Hope, T. and Wilkinson, D., (2009). 'Will it all go wrong? Sod’s law and medicine', British Medical Journal, Vol: 339 1392-1393
- Kahane, G. (2009), 'Pain, Dislike, and Experience', Utilitas, Vol: 21(3)
- Kahane, G. (2009), 'Non-Identity, Self-Defeat, and Attitudes to Future People', Philosophical Studies, Vol: 145(2) pp. 193-217
- Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Brain-damaged patients and the moral significance of consciousness', The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 33(1) pp. 1-21
- Kahane, G., Skene, L., Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J. (2009) 'Neuroimaging and the Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment from Patients in the Vegetative State', Medical Law Review, Vol: 17(2)
- Liao, S. M., Clarke, S. and Sheehan, M. (2009), 'The Duty to Disclose Adverse Clinical Trial Results', The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 9(8) pp. 24-32
- Liao, S. M., Clarke, S. and Sheehan, M. (2009), 'Disclosing Clinical Trial Results: Publicity, Significance and Independence', The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 9(8) pp. W3-W5Levy, N., (2009), 'Neuroethics: ethics and the sciences of the mind', Philosophy Compass, Vol: 4: 69-81
- Levy, N., (2009), 'What Difference does Consciousness Make?' Monash Bioethics Review, Vol: 28 (2) [open access]
- Levy, N., (2009), 'Neuroethics: ethics and the sciences of the mind', Philosophy Compass, Vol: 4: 69-81
- Levy, N. (2009), 'Empirically Informed Moral Theory: A Sketch of the Landscape', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Vol: 12 (1): pp. 3-8.
- Mathews, D., Donovan, P., Harris, J., Lovell-Badge, R., Savulescu, J. and Faden, R. (2009), 'Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Gametes: Truth and (Potential) consequences', Cell Stem Cell, Vol: 5(1) pp. 11-14
- Powell, R. (2009), 'Contingency and Convergence in Macroevolution: A Reply to John Beatty', Journal of Philosophy Vol: 106(7) pp. 390-404
- Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Human Liberation: removing biological and psychological barriers to freedom', Centro Einaudi Journal, Biblioteca della Liberta, Vol: Anno XLIV(196)
- Savulescu, J. and Douglas, T. (2009), 'Destroying Unwanted Embryos in Research', European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) report, Vol: 10(4) pp. 307-312 [link via Nature]
- Savulescu, J. and Goold, I. (2008), 'In Favour of Freezing Eggs For Non-Medical Reasons', Bioethics, Vol: 23(1) pp. 47-58
- Savulescu, J. and Kahane, G. (2009), 'The Moral Obligation to Create Children with the Best Chance of the Best Life', Bioethics, Vol: 23(5) pp. 274-290
- Savulescu, J. and Levy, N. (2009), 'The moral significance of phenomenal consciousness', Progress in Brain Research, Vol: 117 pp. 361-370
- Shea, N. and Heyes, C., (2009), 'Metamemory as evidence of animal consciousness: the type that does the trick', Biology & Philosophy, Vol: 25:1, pp. 95-110 [Open access]
- Wilkinson, D., Kahane, G., Horne, M. and Savulescu, J. (2009), 'Functional neuroimaging and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from vegetative patients', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 35 pp. 508-511
- Wilkinson, D., (2009 ). 'The Self-fulfilling prophecy in intensive care', Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Vol: 30(401-10).
- Wilkinson, D., (2009). 'The window of opportunity: decision theory and the timing of prognostic tests for newborn infants', Bioethics, Vol: 23: 503-514.
- Wilkinson, D., (2009). 'Ethical issues in the use of hypothermia in newborn infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy', Acta Paediatrica, Vol: 98(2): 217-220.
Book Chapters
- Levy, N. (2008), 'Restrictivism is a Covert Compatibilism', in N. Trakakis and D. Cohen (Eds) Essays on Free Will and Moral Responsibility, (Cambridge Scholar Press)
- Clarke, S. (2008), 'Some Optimism for the Pessimist: a Response to Nola', in L. Soler, H. Sankey and P. Hoyningen-Huene (Eds) Rethinking Scientific Change and Theory Comparison: Stabilities, Ruptures, Incommensurabilities, (Dordrecht: Springer) 203-205
- Savulescu, J. (2008), 'Procreative Beneficence: reasons not to have Disabled Children', in J. Thompson and L. Skene (Eds) The Sorting Society: The Ethics of Genetic Screening and Therapy, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
- Savulescu, J. (2008), 'Three Stages of Disbelief', in U. Shuklenk and R. Blackford (Eds) Voices of Disbelief, (Wiley-Blackwell)
Edited Journal Issue
- Savulescu, J., Liao, S. M. and Wasserman, D., (Eds.) (2008), 'Special issue: The Ethics of Enhancement' Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 25 pp. 159 - 161
Journal Articles
- Clarke, S. (2008), 'SIM and the City: Rationalism in Psychology and Philosophy and Haidt's Account of Moral Judgement', Philosophical Psychology, Vol: 21(6) pp. 799-820
- Clarke, S. and Levy, N. (2008), 'Neuroethics and Psychiatry', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, Vol: 21(6) pp. 568-571
- Clarke, S. and Wolfendale, J. (2008), 'Paternalism, Consent, and the Use of Experimental Drugs in the Military', Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol: 33(4) pp. 337-355
- Douglas, T. (2008), 'Moral Enhancement', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 25(3) pp. 228-245 [open access]
- Kahane, G. (2008), 'Brain Imaging and the Inner Life', The Lancet, Vol: 371 pp. 1572-1573
- Kahane, G. and Shackel, N. (2008), 'Do Abnormal Responses Show Utilitarian Bias?' Nature, Vol: 452(7185)
- Kahane, G., Wiech, K., Farias, M., Shackel, N., Tiede, W. and Tracey, I. (2008), 'An fMRI Study Measuring Analgesia Enhanced by Religion as a Belief System', Pain, Vol: 139(2) pp. 467-476
- Liao, S. M., Savulescu, J. and Wasserman, D. (2008), 'The Ethics of Enhancement' Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 25(3) pp. 159-161
- Levy, N. (2008), 'Introducing Neuroethics', Neuroethics Vol: 1(1): pp. 1-8. [open access]
- Naylor, E., Wood, D. and Savulescu, J. (2008), 'Enhancement', Student British Medical Journal, Vol: March 2008
- Sandberg, A. (2008), 'The Normativity of Memory Modification', Neuroethics, Vol: 1(2) pp. 85-99
- Sandberg, A. (2008), 'Sleep better than medicine? Ethical and philosophical issues related to "wake enhancement"', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 34(9) pp. E9
- Sandberg, A. (2008), 'Neuroenhancement of Love and Marriage: The Chemicals Between Us ', Neuroethics, Vol: 1(1) pp. 31-44
- Savulescu, J. and De Crespigny, L. (2008), 'Pregnant women with fetal abnormalities: the forgotten people in the abortion debate', Medical Journal of Australia, Vol: 188(2) pp. 100- 103 Related article: Letter in response to commentors, Medical Journal of Australia, 189 (1) 53 - 55
- Savulescu, J. and De Crespigny, L. (2008), 'Letter in Response to Comments on "Pregnant women with fetal abnormalities: the forgotten people in the abortion debate"', Medical Journal of Australia, Vol: 189(1) pp. 53- 55
- Savulescu, J., Duncan, R. D., Gillam, L., Williamson, R., Rogers, J. and Delatycki, M. B. (2008), '“You’re one of us now”: Young people describe their experiences of predictive genetic testing for Huntington disease (HD) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)', American Journal of Medical Genetics, Vol: 148C(1) pp. 47 - 55
- Savulescu, J. and Goold, I. (2008), 'In Favour of Freezing Eggs For Non-Medical Reasons', Bioethics, Vol: 23(1) pp. 47-58
- Savulescu, J. and Goold, I. (2008), 'Freezing Eggs for Lifestyle Reasons', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 8(6) pp. 32
- Savulescu, J., Hope, R. A., Waterhouse, T., Stein, A. and Pollard, A. J. (2008), 'Children's consent and paediatric research; is it appropriate for healthy children to be the decision-maker in clinical research?', Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol: 93(5) pp. 379 - 383
- Savulescu, J., Naylor, E. and Wood, D. (2008), 'Neuroscience, Neuroethics and the Law', Student British Medical Journal, Vol: February 2008
- Savulescu, J. and Persson, I. (2008), 'The Perils of Cognitive Enhancement and the Urgent Imperative to Enhance the Moral Character of Humanity', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 25(3) pp. 162 - 167
- Savulescu, J. and Saunders, R. (2008), 'Research Ethics and Lessons from Hwangate: what can we learn from the Korean cloning fraud?' Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 34 pp. pp. 214 - 221
- Wilkinson, D. and Douglas, T. (2008), 'Consequentialism and the Death Penalty', American Journal of Bioethics, Vol: 8(10) pp. 56-58
- Wilkinson, D., Kahane, G. and Savulescu, J. (2008), '‘Neglected Personhood’ and Neglected Questions: Remarks on the Moral Significance of Consciousness', American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience, Vol: 8(9) pp. 31 - 33
- Wilkinson, D. and Savulescu, J. (2008), 'Refusing to Refer: Abortion and the Limits of Professional Conscience ', Bioethics Forum
- Wilkinson, D. and Andersen, C., (2008). 'A randomized crossover trial of two algorithms for managing desaturation episodes in ventilated preterm infants', Neonatology, Vol: 95(4): 306-310.
- Wilkinson, D., Andersen, C., Smith, K. and Holberton, J., (2008). 'Pharyngeal pressures with high flow nasal cannulae', J Perinatology, Vol: 28(1): 42-47.
- Wilkinson, D., Andersen, C. and Holberton, J., (2008). 'Should high flow nasal cannulae be used for respiratory support in preterm infants?', Neonatology Today, Vol: 3(8): 1-5.
Book Chapters
- Clarke, S. (2007), 'Surgeons' Report Cards, Heuristics, Biases and Informed Decision Making', in S. Clarke and J. Oakley Eds.) Informed Consent and Clinician Accountability: the Ethics of Report Cards on Surgeon Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 167-179
- Clarke, S. and Oakley, J. (2007), 'Accountability, Informed Consent and Clinician Report Cards', in S. Clarke and J. Oakley Eds.) Informed Consent and Clinician Accountability: the Ethics of Report Cards on Surgeon Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1-21
- Clarke, S. and Oakley, J. (2007), 'Informed Consent and Surgeons' Performance', in S. Clarke and J. Oakley Eds.) Informed Consent and Clinician Accountability: the Ethics of Auditing and Reporting Surgeon Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 111-133
- Kahane, G., Kanterian, E. and Kuusela, O. (2007), 'Introduction', in) Wittgenstein and His Interpreters, Oxford: Blackwells Publishers: 1-36
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'Biotechnology and the Promise of Tailor-Made Medicine', in F. Ficai (Ed.) Unlocking Ideas: Essays from the Amigo Society, London: Stockholm Network: 61-67
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'The Wisdom of Nature: An Evolutionary Heuristic for Human Enhancement', in N. Bostrom and J. Savulescu Eds.) Enhancement of Human Beings, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'Cognition Enhancement: Upgrading the Brain', in) ENHANCE Project Anthology (forthcoming),
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'The Blue or the Pink Pill: are enhancements gendered?' in) ENHANCE Project Anthology (forthcoming),
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'Cognition Enhancement and Happiness', in) ENHANCE Project Anthology (forthcoming),
- Sandberg, A. (2007), 'The Economic and Social Impact of Enhancement', in) ENHANCE Project Anthology (forthcoming),
- Savulescu, J. (2007), 'Autonomy, the Good Life and Controversial Choices', in R. Rhodes, L. Francis and A. Silvers Eds.) The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing: 17- 37
- Savulescu, J. (2007), 'Gene Therapy, Transgenesis and Chimeras: is the radical alteration of human beings a threat to our humanity?' in J. Savulescu (Ed.) In Quest of Ethical Wisdom: how the practical ethics of East and West contribute to wisdom, Oxford: Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics: 3-20
- Savulescu, J. (2007), 'How do we Choose Which Life to Save? Equality of Access or a Fair Go?' in P. Cartlidge (Ed.) Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Child Healthcare, Oxford: Elsevier
- Savulescu, J. (2007), 'Procreative Beneficience: Why We Should Select the Best Children', in R. Chadwick, H. Kuhse, W. A. Landman, U. Schuklenk and P. Singer Eds.) The Bioethics Reader: Editors' Choice Malden: Blackwell Publishing: 434 - 446
- Savulescu, J. (2007), 'Beneficenza Procreativa e Disabilita', in M. Ghisleni (Ed.) Bioetica Rivista Interdisciplinare, Piacenza: Casa Editrice Vicolo del Pavone: 56 - 64
- Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2007), 'Ethics of Performance Enhancement in Sport: Drugs and Gene Doping', in R. E. Ashcroft, A. Dawson, H. Draper and J. R. McMillan Eds.) Principles of Health Care Ethics, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd: 511-520
- Shackel, N. (2007), 'Paradoxes of Probability', in T. Rudas (Ed.) Handbook of Probability Theory with Applications, Sage
- Taylor, P. (2007), 'Catastrophes and Insurance', in N. Bostrom and M. Cirkovic Eds.) Global Catastrophic Risks, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 164-183
Book Chapters
- Clarke, S. (2006), 'Appealing to the Fundamental Attribution Error: Was it All a Big Mistake?' in D. Coady (Ed.) Conspiracy Theories: the Philosophical Debate, Aldershot: Ashgate: 129-132
- Clarke, S. (2006), 'Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorizing', in D. Coady (Ed.) Conspiracy Theories: the Philosophical Debate, Aldershot: Ashgate: 81-98
- Clarke, S. and Levy, N. (2006), 'On the Competence of Substance Users to Consent to Treatment Programs', in J. Kleinig and S. Einsteing Eds.) Intervening in Drug Use: Ethical Challenges, Huntsville TX: OICJ Press: 309-322
- Kahane, G. (2006), 'Pain, Ethical Significance of', in D. Borchert (Ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, New York: Macmillan
- Sandberg, A. (2006), 'Den forstaerkede hjerne', in G. Balling and K. Lippert-Rasmussen Eds.) Det Menneskelige Eksperiment, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Forlag
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- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Justice, Enhancement and Fairness', in W. Bainbridge and M. Roco Eds.) Progess in Convergence: Technologies for Human Wellbeing, New York; New York Academy of Sciences: 321-338
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Genetic Interventions and the Ethics of Enhancement of Human Beings', in B. Steinbock (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics, Oxford; Oxford University Press: 516-535
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Bioethics: Utilitarianism', in) Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, London; John Wiley and Sons: 1-7
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Sex Selection: The Case For', in H. Kuhse and P. Singer Eds.) Bioethics: An Anthology. Second Edition
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing: 145 - 150 - Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2006), 'Good Sport, Bad Sport', in D. Smyth, H. Brown, W. Judge, C. McCallum and R. Pritchard Eds.) Live it Up 2: VCE Physical Education Units 3 and 4, 2nd Edition, Milton: John Wiley and Sons
- Savulescu, J. and Hope, R. A. (2006), 'The Elderly and Ethical Financial Decision-Making', in G. L. Clark, A. H. Munnell and J. M. Orszag Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Pensions and Retirement Income, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 638-658
- Savulescu, J. and Lott, J. P. (2006), 'Addressing the Public Health problem of Hepatitis C', in M. Selgelid, M. P. Battin and C. B. Smith Eds.) Ethics and Infectious Disease, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
- Savulescu, J. and Spriggs, M. (2006), 'The Ethics of Surgically Assigning Sex for Intersex Infants', in D. Benatar (Ed.) Cutting to the Core: Exploring The Ethics of Contested Surgeries, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Edited Journal Issue
- Savulescu, J. and Floridi, L., (Eds.) (2006), 'Information Ethics: Agents, Artifacts and New Cultural Perspectives' Ethics and Information Technology, Vol: 8 pp. 155-262
Journal Articles
- Clarke, S. (2006), 'The Fundamental Attribution Error and Harman's Case against Character Traits', South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol: 25 pp. 350-368
- Sandberg, A. (2006), 'Converging cognitive enhancements', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol: 1093(Special Issue: Progress in Convergence: Technologies for Human Wellbeing, Bainbridge, W., and Roco, M.C. (eds)) pp. 201-227
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Conscientious Objection in Medicine', British Medical Journal, Vol: 332 pp. 294-297
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'End-of-life decisions', Medicine, Vol: 33 pp. 11-15
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Justice, Fairness and Enhancement', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol: 1093 pp. 321-338
- Savulescu, J. (2006), 'Solving the Stem Cell and Cloning Puzzle', Bioethics Forum, Vol: Web based commentary
- Savulescu, J. and Devolder, K. (2006), 'The Moral Imperative to Conduct Embryonic Stem Cell and Cloning Research', Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, Vol: 15 pp. 7-21
- Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2006), 'Addiction and Autonomy: Can Addicted People Consent to the Prescription of Their Drug of Addiction?' Bioethics, Vol: 20 pp. 1-15
- Savulescu, J. and Foddy, B. (2006), 'Autonomy, Addiction and the Drive to Pleasure: Designing Drugs and our Biology: A reply to Neil Levy', Bioethics, Vol: 20 pp. 21-23
- Savulescu, J., Foddy, B. and Rogers, J. (2006), 'What should we say?' Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 32 pp. 7-12
- Savulescu, J., Hemsley, M., Newson, A. and Foddy, B. (2006), 'Behavioural Genetics: why Eugenic Selection is Preferable to Enhancement', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 23 pp. 157-171
- Savulescu, J., Mathews, D. J. H., Berman, P. R., Donovan, P., Harris, J., Lovell-Badge, R. and Faden, R. (2006), 'Integrity in International Collaboration in Stem Cell Research', Science, Vol: 313
- Savulescu, J. and Saunders, R. (2006), 'The Hinxton Group Considers Transnational Stem Cell Research', Hastings Centre Report, Vol: 36
- Savulescu, J., Thomson, J., Schofield, P., Mileshkin, L., Agalianos, E., Zalcberg, J. and Jefford, M. (2006), 'Do oncologists discuss expensive anti-cancer drugs with their patients?' Annals of Oncology, Vol: 17 pp. 702-708
- Savulescu, J. and Ward, M. (2006), 'Patients who Challenge', Best Practice and Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, Vol: 20 pp. 545-563