HT24 Week 9 Internal Talk

The notion of prenatal temporal harm

Speaker: Dr Davide Battisti

Abstract: Scientific and technological developments in the field of reproduction shape the way it is possible to affect procreation, and this prompts a reconsideration of moral principles and concepts in this field. A prime example is the concept of prenatal harm. Although recent debate has mainly discussed the emergence of a novel form of prenatal harm in light of the availability of reproductive genome editing, this paper proposes the exploration of a new category thus far overlooked by reflection, which emerges in the context of in vitro fertilization: prenatal temporal harm. The latter considers the choice of the timing of procreation as an element capable of generating harm in the future individual and may have implications regarding the moral duties of parents in the procreative domain.

This internal talk is for Oxford Uehiro Centre members and associates.

IN-PERSON: The talk will take place in Suite 1, Oxford Uehiro Centre, Littlegate House, 16-17 St Ebbe’s Street, Oxford OX1 1PT (buzzer 1). Booking not required.
ZOOM: For Zoom joining instructions, please email in advance (before noon on the day).