Alex Peasah-Koduah is a General Practitioner with special interest in maternal and child health, who aspires to play a lead role in medical regulation in Ghana by pursuing a PhD in Bioethics and Medical Jurisprudence. He is the Medical Director of Hope Christian Hospital in Ghana where he set up the biggest NICU — a centre of excellence for neonatal care — in the Central Region of Ghana. He is also the Deputy Group Managing Director for Operations of Village of Hope (a non-profit organization) which rescues, repairs, prepares, and propels many children who were hitherto hopeless, orphaned, destitute, abandoned, street-lived, trafficked, and enslaved, through family-based childcare, education and training, and provision of quality healthcare. He received his MBChB from the University of Ghana Medical School in 2008 and has since practiced purposively in rural Ghana. His particular interest in population health and health inequalities led him to pursue a Master’s in Public Health at Walden University in 2016. He later enrolled in an MSc programme in Clinical Leadership and Management at the University of Ghana Business School in 2019, where he completed a dissertation centred on medical ethics addressing the Patient Charter of Ghana. With this growing interest in bioethics, he enrolled in the MSt. in Practical Ethics programme at the University of Oxford where he is currently writing his dissertation on "Wombs for Rent: The Social and Ethical Dimensions of Commercial Gestational Surrogacy in Ghana." Additional research interests include: ethics of patient-doctor relationships, beginning and end-of-life issues, artificial reproductive technologies, public health ethics and the use of AI in clinical decisions and management.