Weeks 2, 4, 6 & 8, Fridays 14:15-16:15
Littlegate House and Zoom
In Person: Oxford Uehiro Centre Seminar Room, Suite 1, first floor, Littlegate House, 16-17 St Ebbes St. OX1 1PT
Via Zoom: email rocci.wilkinson@philosophy.ox.ac.uk for Zoom links
*part 2 each week will be recorded for students registered on the class. Please inform Becky Brown if you wish your contribution to be edited out.
This session is for all University of Oxford Graduate students whose work has an applied ethics dimension.
Part 1: Student Work in Progress
Sietske van Till - The impact of personalized medicine on the identity of children with monogenic neurodevelopmental disorders
Part 2: Methods in Applied Ethics
Dr Chris Register on 'the ethical significance of consciousness’
Suggested Reading: Josh Shepherd’s “Non-Human Moral Status: Problems with Phenomenal Consciousness”
Andrew Lee’s “Consciousness Makes Things Matter” (through 1st section, about p1-12)
Email rocci.wilkinson@philosophy.ox.ac.uk to sign up to the mailing list for this seminar series.