Title: Digital Twins and 'embodied autonomy‘: A short sketch on the relation of physical and digital bodies
Abstract: This talk is about the question of the relationship of a person's physical body to (their) digital bodies. I will present an argument for the importance of digital bodies as a component of embodied autonomy by engaging with current discussions about the role and significance of the corporeal body for questions of autonomy.
Speaker: Dr Matthias Braun is interim chair of the “department of ethics” at the University Bonn as well as leader of the young researcher’s group “Ethics and Governance of Emerging Technologies” at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Before he has conducted research at Maastricht University an at the University of Bergen. His research addresses ethical and governance challenges of emerging technologies (such as AI, Digital Twins, Robotics) as well as questions of political ethics and governance as for example, research on vulnerability, solidarity, and justice.
Booking: not required (Zoom link available on request from rachel.gaminiratne@philosophy.ox.ac.uk).
In-person Venue: Oxford Uehiro Centre, Suite 1 Seminar Area, Littlegate House, 16-17 St Ebbe’s Street, Oxford OX1 1PT (buzzer 1)